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Filthy Commercial Carpet

August 27 2007 at 3:00 PM


Black dirty sticky commercial carpet in a bank processing center with visitors from all over the world to come and visit. This carpet should really impress the visitors. They have a cheap janitorial company that takes care of trash cans, vacuuming and of course are experts in carpet cleaning. They prove that by this picture. Even when they so call clean the carpet it looks the same.

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Phil R

Re: Filthy Commercial Carpet

August 27 2007, 3:23 PM 

I am anxious to see the final results.



Filthy Commercial Carpet (Phil)

August 27 2007, 3:34 PM 

Those are the results. I have made the call and gotten the maintenance supervisors name and sent the letter and flyer and offer for a FREE demo and so far they are happy with CHEAP! This carpet is so abused and a lot of wear marks. They keep putting solution in their extractors and put down and suck up with the same stuff. Sometimes you will see white crusty sneaker marks in the carpet from all of the soap. If this carpet ever got flooded, you would have more suds on the floor than a laundrymat.


i feel ya

August 27 2007, 5:26 PM 

i called a Library in a ritzier town today after i visited them Friday. both the gals i spoke with Friday laughed at how filthy the carpets were...really bad shape. streaks from an obvious walk-behind splash-N-dash machine.

i thought i was a shoe-in for a demo. called the director today and she tells me their janitor does it and they're all set...

--- Derek.


Del Scrivner

Re: i feel ya

August 27 2007, 8:49 PM 

I would tell them that you can clean circles around what is presently being done and you will prove it for FREE.

Then do a demo and do an    X    in the dirtiest spot and then clean a circle around the X and leave them with that to ponder until they call you back.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Aug 28, 2007 9:46 PM


Re: i feel ya

August 27 2007, 10:11 PM 

You are my hero.

Mark Hart

Re: i feel ya

August 28 2007, 4:08 PM 

Charles, if they are happy with CHEAP, why would you want their business?



Re: i feel ya (Mark)

August 28 2007, 5:26 PM 


I don't want their business. It would be good to have them because this building is 45,000 sft and they have two other buildings in the area. They have buildings in other states and a big one in NYC. This picture just shows people what some businesses really think about their IMAGE. They have a Fantastic janitorial company taking care of them. See the beautiful results they produce when they clean carpets? You "Get What You Pay For!"

Current Topic - Filthy Commercial Carpet
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