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best way to install new solution elbow that broke off :)

August 27 2007 at 10:10 PM
carl n  

Heres how my sat went..

Broke off black tip of elbow and tried to super glue it back on. that worked for a bit was able to do 100 sq ft area and later it was hanging off. Was at a diner 9pm trying to get the job done and no solution to brushes.. tried to re-glue the tip back on, that was a joke on me, luckily I had my 12 yr daughter with me to help..

I mixed up some punch with hot water and pre sprayed an area, dumped that in to bucket, mixed up some DS in Hot water filled up pump sprayer and had her spray down in front of machine as I pushed along.. it actually worked good considering how absolutely dirty the 4 month old carpet was.

took a bit longer than planned but was ok in the end.

so I now have 2 replacements elbows on the way, $7.50 for UPS shipping ??, and need to figure how is best way to do replacement..

in looking at the part and removing the screws it look like a bear to do. any one have a good way to quickly do this..

carl n
raleigh nc


Re: best way to install new solution elbow that broke off :)

August 28 2007, 9:54 AM 

the same thing happened to me .if you don't have fat fingers like me it pretty easy. its just 2 screws underneath holding the elbow in place unscrew them, the disconect the tube thats underneath ,pull out the elbow install the new elbow put this is the hard part connecting the tube to the elbow undeneath because it a shprt tube good luck on that part but just keep wiggling it in and it should go then just screw back on the wlbow and your good to go


Rick Gelinas

Re: best way to install new solution elbow that broke off :)

August 28 2007, 12:50 PM 

Anthony nailed it with those instructions!
And he's right - skinny fingers are required.
I have sausage fingers, so it's impossible for me.

Another SIMPLE alternative is the straw method. I love this approach because it is so simple...

Simply take a trigger sprayer from a spray bottle and cut about 3/4 of an inch from the straw. Insert half of the straw into the black plastic that's still remaining in the deck. Then join the hose by inserting the other half of the straw into the black plastic that's remaining in the end of the hose. This will shim it together. We have used this method on our own machines and I've recommended it to countless cleaners for their machines too. It's a simple approach that gets the job done well. And best of all, if you bump it again - there's nothing that will break.

Rick Gelinas


best way

August 28 2007, 8:16 PM 

I read about the straw method after the fact... Does that reduce the flow somewhat..Seems like you are making the opening now the size of smaller straw.

Guess there is to much flow and this is one way to reduce it somewhat after all..

do you use some glue to hold the part together or how do you prevent them from coming apart..

carl n


Rick Gelinas

Re: best way

August 28 2007, 9:29 PM 

If it restricts the flow at all, it is only incremental - you won't notice it at all.

We don't use glue. That's the nice thing about it. It is just fitted together, which means it can easily come un-done if you bump it. So there's no part that can break in the future.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - best way to install new solution elbow that broke off :)
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