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Just sealed the driveway at our K.H. - now what?

August 28 2007 at 9:26 PM

should i plan on sticking to my 6 month CC'ing schedule there (which means the next CC'ing is in October), or should i do it sooner?

i am assuming there will be some sealer tracked in - to a greater or lesser degree i don't know yet.

thanx for the advice fellas --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Just sealed the driveway at our K.H. - now what?

August 28 2007, 9:32 PM 

I would increase the frequency of cleaning to monthly or every other month during the next few months, until the sealer has a chance to wear off a little. Asphalt sealer and carpet doesn't mix. At least Releasit does a good job of cutting the stuff. Enjoy your privilege of cleaning the carpet more often

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 28, 2007 9:32 PM


Re: Just sealed the driveway at our K.H. - now what?

August 28 2007, 10:00 PM 

BAAAAAhahaha oh that's a good one, thanx Rick for the good advice........i think LOL.

much appreciated --- Derek.



August 28 2007, 11:49 PM 

yOU'VE gOT mAIl!!

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Now is the time!!

August 28 2007, 10:22 PM 

Derek, High there.

I do a quaterly on ours with monthly intermediate cleaning. There are 4 groups, at least one group of 80 people or more each day tracking in and out, some days 2 groups.

Before i added intermediate cleaning to the scheduled maintenance the carpet could not withstand the traffic. One month and the soil load was very visible. Come time for the quarterly cleaning, boy was that a major. So I decided every month I'll clean high traffic areas. (literature area, entrance, isle ways.) Quarterly, the whole thing.

I don't know what the level of traffic/soil load you're facing monthly but at any rate i would say the time is now.
Why? If you don't clean now then the tracking of the normal soil will continue to do its job on the carpet fibers, if the sealer decides to stick to the shoes of the friends and be tracked to the carpet then your job becomes even more laborious.

Where as on the other hand, if you clean now and apply Soil ease protectant, then the sealant and other soils will not penetrate as fast and can be vacuumed in between cleanings before they penetrate.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Re: Now is the time!!

August 28 2007, 10:31 PM 

good points Alex.

our Hall was built in 2000. they didn't let me clean it for the 1st few years...

after the 1st CC'ing it was another 2 years. then i finally got them to agree to a twice a year schedule. with a new Bro in charge of Hall maintenance i think i can convince him that it needs it more frequently.

thanx Bro's --- Derek.

BTW, we only have 1 congregation in our Hall.


Re: Now is the time!!

August 29 2007, 7:38 PM 

Derek, at least you have a hall to clean, ours was BURNED Down by vandals . The old concrete slab was left, and I'm trying to convince them to let me polish it, but I think they have carpet in mind. We are building a new one next month.
in regards to the sealing, I have seen some blacktop encapsolating chemicals , that help keep the sealer from "walking off" on your shoes.

Mark Hart

Re: Now is the time!!

August 29 2007, 10:47 PM 

Interesting timing for this post. I'm doing ours this Saturday. It is on a quarterly schedule. There are 4 groups + an Italian meeting monthly. The RBC has interviews for two weeks every other months & now we have a request to host a foreign language class for the next 4 months. I wonder why we're two months overdue from the last cleaning?

Still, the carpet has held up pretty well. Concrete parking lot.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Now is the time!!

August 30 2007, 8:01 AM 


I love a concrete parking lot. Concrete makes all the difference in the world compared to asphalt. Concrete cleans people's shoes off as they walk across it. Whereas asphalt adds petroleum based soil to their shoes when they walk on it. Asphalt should be banned! We used to have a n asphalt lot and it was terrible. We now have concrete and the carpet is so much easier to maintain.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Now is the time!!

August 30 2007, 12:45 PM 

Hey there Craig.
Thats terrible situation. But at least you have one to build. Being on RBC i have a lot of fun to not only watch but to take part in the erection of those buildings working along side bankers, receptionist, nurses, carpet cleaners. LOL Just wondering Craig was that a random arson attack or a direct. Hi Mark!!

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!

This message has been edited by theservant on Aug 30, 2007 12:48 PM


Re: Now is the time!!

August 31 2007, 5:05 PM 

I too have been involved in the "quick builds" for 23 years. I usually work with the electrical squad and we have a great time.
The burning was a random act of arson, they caught the two 15 year old boys who were trying to set a golf pro shop on fire down the street from our hall.
If you feel like you want to help Alex come on out to Idaho next month.

Current Topic - Just sealed the driveway at our K.H. - now what?
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