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Booster for Punch:

September 6 2007 at 8:15 PM
Joe Gilstrap  

Rick, do you recommend any type of booster for Punch when doing "Super Trashed" residential carpets? I have been increasing the mix to 12 oz. per gal. and that seems to work pretty good.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Booster for Punch:

September 6 2007, 8:50 PM 


Adding a booster WILL invariably kill the crystallizing property of Encap-Punch as well as Encap-Clean. Even a small amount of a foreign chemical will gum up the works (literally). If you need higher performance, you could mix it at the highest dilution rate and that should suffice for just about anything you're likely to run across.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Booster for Punch:

September 7 2007, 11:48 PM 

I've heard this stated before and I need some more clarification on what will ruin the crystallizing properties. I know from reading these posts that some people add scented stuff (essential oils)That doesn't ruin it? Why would an oxidizer ruin it but not all the crud on the carpet? Does this mean that if I'm HWEing the only prespray I can use if extracting with Punch is Punch?


Del Scrivner

Re: Booster for Punch:

September 8 2007, 2:20 PM 


1)  You can extract with something else- like an acid rinse- BUT you will lose the benefits of the encapsulation by A) Flushing the Punch that you pre-sprayed with out of the carpet, and B) By not using Punch to extract with, what you are leaving (and you ALWAYS leave something behind, is not an encap product so you lose out there too.)

2)   You can add essential oils, that is what the Tea Tree Extract is that is already there in Releasit DS and Punch.

3)  Rick can correct me if I am wrong on this part but this is the way that I have looked at it as far as adding boosters and stuff is that you are robbing the DS or Punch by making it encapsulate what you are adding so it leaves less ability to encapsulate soils in the carpet.  I don't know if it absolutely invalidates the ability to encapsulate at all- maybe it does I am no chemist.  But even if you just look at it like I do then you are basically causing the chemicals to "fight" themselves.

I have had to mix much hotter chemicals to get something clean before.  I just cleaned a $500 car me ex-wife bought for my son.  OMG that car was NASTY HORRIBLE.  Punch honestly did not cut it, even with a Roto-Brush pre-scrub.  I mixed a pH 12.5 cleaner with an Oxygen booster and a Citrus booster, pre-sprayed, Roto-Brush scrubbed, 10 minnute dwell time, and extracted the car 5 (yes that is FIVE times).  I did a final pre-spray and scrub with Punch for encap benefit.  (I really should have just set the car on fire, but it became my personal quest and science lab).

This was the EXCEPTION and nowhere near the rule though.  I have cleaned VERY trashed apartments with just Punch several times.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Crystallizing Chemistry

September 9 2007, 10:49 PM 

It's a tight-wire act. Building a good encap detergent that will crystallize properly is brutal business.

For example, I drove our chemist TOTALLY NUTS trying to develop Encap-Punch. We spent several months with batch after batch of failed samples before we got Encap-Punch to work right!

If you screw up the formula even slightly, an encap product will NOT crystallize. This is why there are some products on the market today that claim to be encap products, but fail to encapsulate. The bottom line is that the formulators simply couldn't get it right.

The situation with encap chemistry is that if you go a little to much to the right or to the left it won't crystallize, instead you will end up with Smucker's jelly. You simply can not add chemicals to the mix and avoid messing up the crystallization process. The balance is critically sensitive!

I hope this clarifies things "crystal" clear for you.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 9, 2007 10:50 PM

Current Topic - Booster for Punch:
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS