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September 7 2007 at 12:57 AM
Joe Desmond  

I have HWE commercial upholstery before but how do you go about
using encap? I have 30 chairs 100% olefin. I also have Ricks Brush for a drill and pad driver. Bought a Makita like Rambo and Shorty for the pad driver.
What is the mixture? DS or Punch? Do you use a spray bottle to mist then scrub? Do you speed dry then vacuum? How do you apply the Soileze and when?
I know alot of questions.....
Any help is appreciated.



September 7 2007, 4:52 AM 

I have HWE commercial upholstery before but how do you go about using encap? I have 30 chairs 100% olefin. I also have Ricks Brush for a drill and pad driver. Bought a Makita like Rambo and Shorty for the pad driver.

What is the mixture?

I use the normal mix as per the label on the bottle.

DS or Punch?

I use DS

Do you use a spray bottle to mist then scrub?

Spray bottle is too slow for me, maybe I do go a bit overboard, but I use an electric sprayer, I use an empty Releasit bottle which just fits into my sprayer nicely. This I fill with the normal mix and spray on.

Do you speed dry then vacuum?

After spraying, ( lightly, otherwise you have detergent flying over everything, it doesn't take long to figure this one out )

After hitting the furniture with the pad, I then towel the fabric and any other timber, & other, parts that may have got wet.

I do not speed dry nor vacuum.

How do you apply the Soileze and when?

Have not done this A.T.P.I.T.

I know alot of questions.....
Any help is appreciated.

Hope this is of some help.

Ask plenty of questions, wish I had this facility to get info from thirty years ago ;-(

& the only silly question, is the one not asked.



PS ::: Tomorrow, Saturday down under, I have to go to the local hospital, seven very large recliners to clean in the drug rehab; ward, they will all be cleaned as per the above methadone, oops, method


Rick Gelinas


September 7 2007, 8:01 AM 

Shorty nailed it!

I spray commercial upholstery with a pump sprayer, then zoom over the upholstery with the RotaBrush, and then towel off the fabric.

I like to do large jobs with 2 or 3 people. One person arranging the chairs and spraying. A second person running the drill, and possibly doing the toweling. An optional third person could also be used for toweling on large jobs. Having a couple of people working on the job also gives the drill person a chance to take turns as he gets tired from bending over the chairs.

I have not done personally done any vacuuming or applied Soileze on any commercial upholstery jobs. Commercial upholstery jobs that call for encap cleaning are normally low bidder type jobs, and all that is wanted is production and low cost. They don't normally want to splurge on anything more than the bare essentials.

Rick Gelinas

Joe Desmond


September 7 2007, 10:14 AM 

THANKS Shorty and Rick.
That's exactly what I needed to know. I 'm going to do one chair this weekend to see how it comes out. This is for a doctors office. We clean the carpets once a month with the Cimex and the office manager is so pleased with the way the carpets come out she wants me to work my magic on the chairs....LOL...

Thanks again!!!



September 7 2007, 11:31 AM 

Rick am I mistaken I thought Ds had soileze in it? Also any problems with not post vacuuming the upholstery, I'm sure many clients don't after the job is done.


Re: Upholstery-Soileze

September 7 2007, 12:15 PM 

here's my system:

- pre-spray with MultiSprayer & EncapClean mixed at double the dilution ration max.

- scrub with Cyclo Polisher.

- wipe down with turkish towel.

finish a chair in 60 seconds max, unless spotting is required, and it's like new again.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Upholstery-Soileze

September 7 2007, 3:02 PM 

All of our detergents contain Soileze. It's an excellent protector!!! There is enough Soileze in the detergents to add a measure of soil resistance. However if someone wants FULL protection, then an application of Soileze is the way to go.

Rick Gelinas

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