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September 8 2007 at 8:28 AM
Phil R 

Okay, the owner and I have agreed on a price...and I am off to get this little nasty slice of carpet...cleaned.

I will take and post photo's.

I must be ill, I am excited to go clean carpets! Of course, this may very well be the dirtiest carpets I will ever attempt....

here's the plan
1) Punch maxed out pre-spray...tu-way bonnets to scrub via Vento....extract (using acid rinse)...dry with dry pads Op style. have beer. repeat.

I will either have some clean carpets or be drunk...or both. So, if my next post is riddled with words no one can'll know why. I hope my enthusiasm is contagious!


Re: Nasty

September 8 2007, 10:27 AM 

good dry vacuum, Releasit DS and lots of scrubbing will do the job.


Phil R......

September 8 2007, 11:52 AM 

....Don't Forget the FORMULA! For the no-wickback success.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Re: Phil R......

September 8 2007, 12:42 PM 

i have to bid on 75,000 sq ft today that need to be completed in 4 nights any suggestions on a good price to give them and secure the job ???


Del Scrivner

Re: Nasty

September 8 2007, 1:18 PM 

Why not extract with Punch and really get the encap benefit?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Phil R

Re: Nasty

September 8 2007, 3:01 PM 

Wow! Every bone in my body must be broke.

I did extract with Punch...maxed out too. They look "okay"

It has been five years or more since they have been cleaned. You guys would not believe the water that drained from my porty. I almost lost my cookies twice. I decided against the beer.

Now, I will go back tomorrow and pad her out. I'll keep everyone posted. I would up-load phot's but the carpets look great when they are still damp.

No matter what...they are as clean as I can get em.


Del Scrivner

Re: Nasty

September 8 2007, 7:04 PM 


Remember if it has been around 5 years since it has been cleaned that you charge them accordingly.

It takes you MUCH longer and MUCH more effort to clean a carpet like that.  Don't do it for the same price as a carpet that has been reasonably maintained.  You will quickly go out of business if you don't charge them accordingly. 

The message they will get is that Phil will be their "Carpet Savior" every five years for the same price.  There is not a carpet cleaner anywhere that can have their clients only clean once every 5 years and stay in business.  That's the key get them on a schedule now and you can charge them less for cleaning MUCH more frequently.

With that said I salute you Phil for tackling some tough jobs and having the willingness and desire to handle the "dirty work".

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

That was a 5 button post!

September 8 2007, 10:59 PM 

OK Phil, you've set a new standard. You've opened a new category here. Your post qualified as a 5 button OCCD post. You not only have OCCD. You have an extreme case of OCCD! You my friend are the first person here to win the distinctive 5 button award for an over the top OCCD post. I'm sure this will be a very coveted award among the crowd of folks who hang out here with Obsessive Commercial Carpet Disorder. You should be proud!!!

P.S. I hope the job goes well for you.
I can't wait to see the pictures.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 8, 2007 11:10 PM

Phil R


September 9 2007, 7:57 AM 

Once you learn i did it for FREE you way want to take back your Buttons but I HOPE not!

Okay, before anyone starts tossing empty Aussie beer kegs at me (Shorty)...I need the experience, they want to throw out the carpet, it is MY local watering hole, everybody that goes there is a big-time hitter in my city, NO ONE thought it could be cleaned IF it does get ANY improvement...I am Da Man. PLUS my shirts, my cards every single PIECE of advertising I do says: BEST OR FREE CARPET CLEANING! "Either is the BEST Carpet Cleaning you've ever had, or it's FREE! And obviously, this would NOT be the best, sometime in the past these carpets did come clean....even if there was less dirt.

Now, they did offer to pay me but i refused until it looks and stays clean. But i did tell them, if it turns out good, and you keep it, then I want the gig to keep it clean and they agreed.

If OCCD exists (and we know it does )then I still qualify because, I WANTED to do this carpet...I bugged em everyday for weeks. I don't fish, i don't hunt, no shooting....all I like to do is clean. And carpets are my favorite thing to clean.

30 trashed pads: $
I gallon of acid rinse:$
1 spine (mine) has a complete revolution (my head is now located elsewhere on by body)
4 Pounds of dirt lodged up every orifice on my body.
Finger nails so dirty they will have to grow out before the every look white again (actually pinkish)
The image of that "dirty" water embedded in my mind forever.
5 OCCD buttons: Priceless.

This message has been edited by clearlypro on Sep 9, 2007 8:23 AM

Phil R

Two shots

September 9 2007, 8:36 AM 

I may have figured out the posting photo thing. Here's two shots os what the carpet looked like. This is one small area. The entire carpet looks just like this.

Still damp...but:

As can be seen, there are tons of stains, burns, tears and things that Del or Shorty could get out. But....not me....yet.


Re: Two shots

September 9 2007, 9:19 AM 

Looks like you have an opportunity to clean some tile too! (for free of course).

It definitely looks like an improvement...


Del Scrivner

Re: Two shots

September 9 2007, 1:32 PM 

There are some things none of us can get it of carpet or fix short of a new carpet purchase.  It does happen sadly.  But mostly due to neglect on the owners part.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Phil R

Went back to OP

September 9 2007, 2:08 PM 

Okay, this is the last follow up to these carpets.

I am impressed with the results. OP'ing after HWE did make a huge difference.

I learned so much too. The biggest thing I learned is I have been using way to much water on my bonnets. There was about 100 sqft of carpet I had NOT all. No OP, no HWE...nadda.

so, right at the end, I decided to play around on the footage. I applied my DS and used cotton pads..rung way out. Like they would be right out of th dryer. Better results. This is a lesser used area of carpet so the fluid(s) beneath might be lower than the rest. They turned out very well.

thank you all for the help and kind words. Whew...time for a beer.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Went back to OP

September 9 2007, 10:15 PM 

Phil, it sounds like you're on your way. If you want to call me at the office I will be happy to try to help you speed up the learning process. BTW, I share your OCCD passion for cleaning commercial carpet

Rick Gelinas

Grant D

Pad Wetness

September 10 2007, 10:48 AM 

Phil, as far as how wet to keep the pads, usually I keep them "washer dry". Meaning that I use them most of the time as damp as they come out of the washer. For nasties move the wetness up on the initial couple of pads and then end with a couple of totally dry pads.

You're really learning fast Phil!


Phil R


September 10 2007, 11:24 AM 

I don't clean carpets every day so when i do, I go ahead and dry my pads in the dryer. i keep it on low to try and avoid killing the pads. The problem is, with some of those new pads (the ones you really like) they are rather hard to ring out. It never occurred to me to spend more time really twisting them around. that I know, my results are way better.

So, I now use those pads dry for extra absorbing power.

Current Topic - Nasty
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS