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"Prime" ?

September 11 2007 at 7:49 AM
Phil R 

On another forum, it was suggested "I keep my prime". the author soon defined the process for me. However, I do not get much "foam" during my OP (Vento) method now that I have reduced my moisture on CGD.

In fact, during the cleaning, I only get a foam if the pads are good and damp. But, on the nasty one, it wicked back...a lot. so, I reduced my moisture.

So, can someone 'splain me how to keep my prime without over-wetting the carpets/ Or, does the lack of foam really causes an issue.

FYI: The "prime" was defined for me on that forum:
Here are his exact words:
"Your prime is where the surfactants have overcome the soil. You will be seeing foaming action thus enough ph to overcome the surface tension or affinity that the soil has to attach itself to the substrate or subject(fibres in this case).

When you shampoo your hair you would add more until it foams good that would reaching "prime" so you will have a clean hair and scalp when rinsed."

This message has been edited by clearlypro on Sep 11, 2007 7:51 AM


Re: "Prime" ?

September 11 2007, 12:26 PM 

Phil hi.

I was doing stairs the other day with 12oz./Punch. The carpet was filthy.At any rate with my drill driver i was slanging some foam. Too much moisture.

What i like about Rick's cleaning agents is that it seems that he manufacture them to perform top quality results without the side effects. For example : When cleaning with Encap Clean to get the best results less foam is better. Just a light white film will bring you the same and in most cases better results then those foaming-detergents. Without the side effects!!

How about ENCAP-PUNCH. Once again its designed to get maximum results without the side effects. In fact Punch is specifically and intentenally designed to produce low foam. Yet look at the results you've been getting. Encap- Punch is also used with HWE for this reason. Encap Clean is not recommended for HWE because of the foaming capabilities.

I'm not commenting on that author's sayings one way or another.(Just informational) I'm just a student in this business. But i hope this 2 cents will help you to get a better picture when one of the heavy weights post an answer to you question.

P.S. I will say this though. If you follow the instructions to the letter with Releasit's products you will get maximum results, BAR NUN!!!

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!

Phil R

and HOW!

September 11 2007, 12:48 PM 

Alex, I have bought and used another makers products out of curiosity. They now remain at home. Now, there are products I need that Rick does not sell and they are on my turck (as I learn to use them)....but...I have tried side by sdie Ricks stuff against the others...ricks has won and I will never use another competitors product again. This may just be a subjective thing but I can see no improvement over Releasit DS or Punch.

Current Topic - "Prime" ?
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