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Cotton Pads

September 16 2007 at 11:23 AM
Phil R 

My Vento came with challenger-type pads. They are the white cootn pads. I noticed they have shrank. I dry them after washing but i use low heat.

Now that they have shrunk, the tend to ride up under the driver....often.

What, if anything, can be done? I love these pads for certain use...

I also have the Vento pads, dry them no shrinkage, no issue but do not do as well for certain things.

Grant D


September 16 2007, 11:47 AM 

If you're going to use them again within 2 days, don't dry them. Just stack them like pancakes on top of each other then fold them in half and keep them in a bucket til your next job. If you need to dry them, see if you can figure out a way to hang dry them. Bit of a pain, but it will double the life of your pads (at least).

After getting pads damp they should work fine again though, but the edges do curl in a bit.

So what is a "vento pad"?

Phil R

Vento Pad

September 16 2007, 11:59 AM 

These are some new pads Rick is carrying. they are cotton and have a larger "loop" in the pile. They are stiffer too. I do not think they absorb as well but have heard others think they absorb better. ?

I use four different pads....tu-way thin, Challenger white, Vento brown and the glad pads.

I like all of them for different uses. My favorite are the white cottons. But not if the shrink this bad. They are literally like 17" pads now. And they do NOT get bigger when damp. If I cant dry my pads, I dont want them. I can risk leaving wet pads lie around in our humid climate.

NONE of the other pads have shrank. These should be made of pre-shrunk cotton.


Re: Vento Pad

September 16 2007, 3:29 PM 

hi Phil

when my pads curl up it is either because:

1) cotton pads are wearing out and the velcro doesn't have much left to bite into.

2) the velcro on the perimeter of the driver is coming lose / lipping. the fix for this is take your duck-bill shears and cut that lose velcro off. this is what was recommended to me via the forums and it worked.

thanx --- Derek.

Phil R


September 16 2007, 5:18 PM 

Thanks. However, the vento pad driver dose not have velcro at the edges.

had the bonnets not shrunk, they would still be working fine.

It would not be a real issue, I could just buy/use other pads/bonnets but these white cotton pads are perfect for drying wet/damp carpets. In fact, it is just about all I use them for.

I will use more of the other pads from here on. The Glad pads are good for drying too, just not as good. But these are useless right now until i solve the issue.

Phil R


September 17 2007, 10:04 AM 

Turns out you may be right. The Velcro is not finding a good grip. I suppose these puppies are worn out.

Current Topic - Cotton Pads
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