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Releasit or something else?

September 20 2007 at 9:17 AM
Joe Gilstrap 

Just ordered a foam generating upholstery machine and was wondering if DS would be suitable or should I get a regular dry foam detergent. Some of you with experience please chime in.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit or something else?

September 20 2007, 10:07 AM 

We have had a few of our customers using Releasit Encap-Clean in Von Schraeder equipment. They've reported that it works real well. Encap-Clean is not as foamy as the VS detergent, yet I've heard folks say that it can be used. Give it a try. The VS is Esprit is a cool mahine and it will do fine with our juice.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Releasit or something else?

September 20 2007, 12:46 PM 

I'd like one of those things, but darn ... I've run out of room in my van.

Mark Hart

Re: Releasit or something else?

September 20 2007, 1:15 PM 

Years ago when I first got into the business I used the Von Schrader carpet & upholstery equipment. Years later when I took the upholstery cleaning course, one of the students swore by her Von Schrader machine. In part of the class we had to clean a 7', synthetic fabric sofa. We used her Von Schrader and normal HWE to do the job. There was such a difference in the final result that we had to redo the portion of the sofa that was done with the dry foam method with HWE.


Re: Releasit or something else?

September 20 2007, 1:37 PM 

splash-N-dash does have it's place.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Releasit or something else?

September 20 2007, 1:48 PM 

So does scrub and run.


I always ask others BEFORE I buy now

September 20 2007, 4:28 PM 

I have had the older Von Schrader ( VS11 ) for a long time.

It was the "ducks guts" according to the guy that sold it to me.

Mind you, his shop was 1,800 miles south of me, and he was the only one in Oz selling them, so I couldn't duck down & punch his lights out when I found he told untruths.

Consequently, it sat on the shelf for years without moving.

(How many of us have equipment &/or chemicals like that?)

Then I got my Cimex and Releasit.

One day, I had a new experience, my brain kicked in and I tried some Releasit in "Old Vonnie".

I was converted again for a lot of commercial work.

BUT !!!!!!!!!!! "Vonnie" is now back to sitting on the shelf.

No problems with her, it's just that I found a younger, more easily managable, piece to hold.

My new MAKITA rules the nest.

I use an electric sprayer to apply the DS, (sparingly), then hit it with "Little Mak".

Results can be astounding on very soiled cotton prints and "Excellent" on others.

In the short of it all, YES, your VS will be able to use Releasit with no problems, and give great results.



PS ::: Anyone wanna buy a slightly used 240 volt VS11 ??

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: I always ask others BEFORE I buy now

September 20 2007, 5:38 PM 

I don't use it alot, but when I use my Esprit , I use Releasit DS, and it makes great foam! I also use DS in my Chemstractor and it makes great foam for that as well.


Re: I always ask others BEFORE I buy now

September 20 2007, 8:03 PM 

I use DS in my Esprit excluvisley now.


Re: I always ask others BEFORE I buy now

September 21 2007, 7:09 AM 

I,ve just purchased a brush attachment for a drill that is feed ds from my gloria pump up. Just finished cleaning my club chairs at home, this thing is the ducks guts!!! A big thanks to Gary Bethel at powerclean Australia.

Joe Gilstrap

Brush attachment

September 21 2007, 8:14 AM 

Brett, tell us more about this brush and how to get one.


Re: Brush attachment

September 21 2007, 10:17 AM 

Joe talk to Rick, Gary is his supplier in oz.


Giving you the drill

September 21 2007, 1:01 PM 

Check Powerclean Australia's site out............

Here is what you are talking about.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Giving you the drill

September 21 2007, 4:01 PM 

Ray says the VS machine is a good tool, and Shorty says it's not all that good. Who to believe?

Then I have to remember that Ray was the dude who told me OP cleaning was all the rage, until he went to the GLS. Then he stopped likeing the GLS, and went to a Cimex. Now he likes the GLS again too. Oh, and lets not forget he loves the Demon but then with that ringing endorsement, I really don't know if I want to take the chance until I learn what Ray is going to say in a few months from now.

Oh, and don't get Ray started on the Chemstracter. That's all we heard about for a few years.


Good Morning stirrer of all things fowl

September 21 2007, 5:24 PM 


Ray says the VS machine is a good tool, and Shorty says it's not all that good. Who to believe?"

Please read my post S - L - O - W - L - Y and think about what I said.

I NEVER said the VS was "not all that good".

What I did say was that Releasit took "Vonnie" from sitting on the shelf to a machine that I used for a lot of commercial work.

No problems with her, (VS11), it's just that I found a younger, more easily managable, piece to hold, (Makita polisher).

The "Vonnie" is an excellent tool WITH THE PROPER CHEMICAL.

It was the Releasit that brought out the best in "Vonnie"

I only wish that Releasit was around more than a decade ago when I purchased the "Vonnie", I would have really "cleaned up", especially with those others that were using "shampoo"

Now "Vonnie" is aging & it's time she had an easier life, so I let her spend her days sitting on the shelf while Delia takes out "Little Mak" (she can handle him easier)

With "Vonnie", the foam was already generated, everything was done in the one simple machine.

This is not the case with "Little Mak" where a separate tool must be brought in to apply the solution to the material.

There are trade offs in most everything we do or buy, I can handle that, it appears that some can't.

We all must agree to disagree with what we like or don't like, otherwise some may be stuck with a sticky residue when they wash the thin covering over their brain, whilst others shall be free of all residue.

But one must move on & I am sure I will replace todays excellent equipment on more newer toys that will make Delia's work easier.

While I stay home & tend the forums.



PS ::: I would believe whatever Rambo say's, before I would believe a word of what I say.

Figure that one out mate

PPS ::: Rambo, could you tell me about the ChemstractOr in another post, PLEASE?

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Sep 21, 2007 5:33 PM
This message has been edited by Shortwun on Sep 21, 2007 5:31 PM


Clearing the Air....

September 21 2007, 6:41 PM 

Shorty is right, and where is Marty comming from? I have never owned a Chemstrator and never wanted one. Rick is the Chemstrator expert. I currently use "the Vonnie" the Makita 9227-C w/100% cotton pads and sometimes the Steamin Demon w/ a CFR uph. tool for cleaning furniture. I use Cimex, OP, and a 175/300 rpm bonnet machine, Whittaker CRB and the Steamin Demon to clean carpet with. If anything better comes along, I will test it and buy it if I need it. Marty I would suggest taking some Ginko Baloba, I here it is great for memory, now that your over the big five-o. I still love you, you long tall drink of water.


Re: Clearing the Air....

September 22 2007, 10:07 AM 

Dang ... I guess I'm losing my touch!

Oh, and don't let danny hear you talking about love.


Touched or Touche' ??

September 22 2007, 4:36 PM 


"Dang ... I guess I'm losing my touch!"

Don't be so hard on yerself mate, I still feel that you're touched

Even I love you Jimmy, but not in a Danny sort of way

Have a great week-end everyone.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Touched or Touche' ??

September 22 2007, 5:03 PM 

It's Marty, Shorty, not Jimmy. Maybe you need some Ginko Biloba too, LOL


Rocky Balboa Pills

September 22 2007, 6:13 PM 

Where does I gets them pills ???

Anyhow, all thems blokes looks the same to me. lol

They talks funny too.

Sorry Marty.

Sorry Jimmy.

Where's Dr Phil or Opera when I needs someone ??



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Rocky Balboa Pills

September 22 2007, 9:53 PM 

Your local Health Food store has them Shorty.


Re: Rocky Balboa Pills

September 24 2007, 3:29 PM 

That's ok, Shorty. It was only recently that I was told you aren't Bob Vawter.

Current Topic - Releasit or something else?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS