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Scot's Foamdry 2X or Releasit DS?

September 20 2007 at 11:20 PM
John Klassen  

What is the difference between these two products besides price? Has anyone here used Foamdry and then switched to Releasit? Why, or why not? Price of supplies is always a concern. I just want to make sure that Releasit is going to perform that much better before I switch to it.

Rick Thode

Re: Scot's Foamdry 2X or Releasit DS?

September 21 2007, 12:18 AM 

Hi John:

As a Canadian supplier of Releasit, this may seem quite biased. But the reality is that I could be distributing any of the product lines. I test and test each one of the new products that come out and so do most of my customers. Everybody wants to have the best chemistry possible. There is a reason that I stick with the Releasit products and so do my customers. At the end of the day chemical cost in our business is maybe 3 - 4% of our gross sales, were as labor cost is usually 20-30%. So if I find a product that will consistantly keep me going at maximum production, where would I best invest a couple extra dollars?

Now that I have rambled again, I've have had opprotunity to use the Scot's product side by side over a period of time in one of our major call centers. The first few times we used it, it seemed hard to tell the difference between the 2 but after about 3 months, the Scot's side just wasn't popping quite as good.

Take that for what it's worth, but the only way to know for yourself for sure is to test it yourself.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Joe DeSouza

Re: Scot's Foamdry 2X or Releasit DS?

September 21 2007, 12:48 PM 

Go with the Releasit DS - it's the BEST product out there!



Kevin Pearson

Re: Scot's Foamdry 2X or Releasit DS?

September 23 2007, 10:57 AM 


What I like about Releasit is it is a family owned (Rick and Nancy) business. Not like a big company and all the red tape a big company would have to go through to change a product. Rick uses his product in his cleaning business and is always looking for a way to make his product better. Since I have been using it his has improved it several times. When I bought my first machine it came with Releasit encap clean not DS. So he came out with DS. Then he changed the formulation and it now gets out more spots, faster. Also, he changed the formulation for Punch which made it immensely better. Then he came out with Encap-Spot.

I say this to point out that whenever he finds a way to improve his product line or a particular product he does it. I have called him several times and offered suggestions to make his product better, but he was already in the process of redesigning the formulation when I called.

You don't see this kind of response out of a big corporate chemical company.



Why switch???

September 24 2007, 2:02 PM 

When you find a product line as versatile as the Releasit line that works so well...why would you even want to try something else? I agree that you have to keep your eyes open and if something comes alonmg that works, you need to add it to your line. Releasit is not the only chems I use, however I use them more and more for more and more applications all the time...there is no other product out there like it. I've tried other encap products and it's not even a fair competition...Releasit is that much better.

I'd like to pay less, however when you factor in the coverage RTU and the results you get... it makes nothing but money for me...and keeps the customer very happy.

Current Topic - Scot's Foamdry 2X or Releasit DS?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS