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Scrub & Recoat

September 27 2007 at 8:05 PM

Can I use the Cimex for scrubbing commercial linoleum floors floors? If so, could someone outline for me the scru/recoat steps. Thanks.

Joe Desmond

Re: Scrub & Recoat

September 27 2007, 11:00 PM 

Don't know about using the Mex for that but heres how we do it.
For several years I used a green pad and neutral cleaner to scrub. Then I hooked up with a guy who now works for me part time. He had worked for the University of Utah for 22 years and in his own business for 14. He knows floor work. He set me straight on how to do it. Mix 1/2 normal dilution stripper and slap it down and scrub with a black pad. Rinse and neutralize and recoat. You only want to take off the top layers of finish not all the way down to the base coat or sealer. Works much better then fooling around with scrub pads and neutral cleaner.
If you need a really deep gloss high speed buff between coats.

David Hebert

Re: Scrub & Recoat

September 28 2007, 7:14 AM 

We use UHS cleaner and a black blue or green pad depending on the level of surface scratching. No need for stripper you can even use neutral cleaning with a back pad in some instances, we have a months account we do it that way with.

Every place is different and having the experience to know what to use and do in each is key

Rick Lord


September 28 2007, 8:11 AM 

I always hate it on other boards when people say walk away. But VCT can be
a miserable, messy, low paying (for the work)job.
You never know what's on the floor and it can vary a lot. I know several people who thought it would take one to maybe two days and they spent a week
just trying to get whatever was on the floor off.
Unless I really needed the money or it was a requirement in a large account to get other business. I'd walk.

Mark Hart

Re: Run

September 28 2007, 9:01 AM 

Maybe, he needs to be more specific. He said linoleum. Does that mean "no wax" sheet vinyl? Or are we talking about VCT. Either way the answer is yes, the Cimex can be used to scrub. You have to decide how aggressive a pad to use depending on the circumstances. Rule of thumb, the Cimex is NOT a carpet cleaning machine. It is a scrubber that can and is used on carpets, and other types of floors.

Current Topic - Scrub & Recoat
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