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Draining a cimex tank

October 3 2007 at 11:59 AM
Bill Youmans  

Whats the best way to drain a tank on a cimex, mine is always sloshing around in my truck.

Bill Y


Re: Draining a cimex tank

October 3 2007, 12:38 PM 

carefully pull the hose off of the black nipple directly below the sol tank.

stick the hose in a 5 gall bucket.

wrap the power cord around the trigger several times, clamping it to the handle so sol flows to the bucket.

put lid/cap on bucket and drive around spill-free.

thanx --- Derek.

Bill Youmans

thanks derek

October 3 2007, 1:46 PM 

thanks Derek I'll give it go, let you know how I did


Electric cables

October 3 2007, 5:13 PM 

Wrapping an electrical cable around any small diameter object has its risks.

Electrical cable is not like a rope, the copper wiring can fracture and cause a short, possibly even causing an electric shock to anyone that is using or touching the machinery it is attached to.

I use either a velcro strap or bungy strap, length or rubber with a hook on each end.

I use a lot of the velcro straps for holding my extension leads together, holding my pre-spray wand to the bottle, even as in the picture on another recent post to hold my cables + spray gun to the electric sprayer.

As well as removing the tube from the black nipple, also remove it from two of the hold-downs that keep the tube in place.


This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Oct 3, 2007 5:14 PM


Rick Gelinas

There's a simpler way...

October 3 2007, 5:21 PM 

Turn off the on/off ball valve (located under the tank). Gently pull the solution hose from the nipple at the end of the ball valve. This will remove the hose before it goes through the pinch-valve. Now tip the handle back so that you can position the the valve over a bucket. Then open the ball valve and let the juice flow into the bucket. This technique enables a quick draining of the tank, without requiring holding the trigger open.

Rick Gelinas


Re: There's a simpler way...

October 3 2007, 6:19 PM 

Rick is right, that is the best way. I drained mine twice in 4 years. Do you think that is too much?


Re: There's a simpler way...

October 3 2007, 7:42 PM 


You might want to cool it a little. I've only drained mine once in 3 years (partially), since a hornet was stuck in the tube. Draining it too much would begin to approach the maintenance requirements of a truckmount, wouldn't it?

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Re: There's a simpler way...

October 3 2007, 9:43 PM 

Never thought of it like that Kevin. "truckmount" maintenance, the thought of it makes me want to go to rehab.



October 4 2007, 10:05 AM 

This is the way I do it as per Rick G.
I normally drain a cup or 2 onto the street before I put the machine back in my van.

This message has been edited by dot_ca on Oct 4, 2007 6:16 PM


Thanx Rick!

October 4 2007, 5:26 PM 

love the idea, never thought of it.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Draining a cimex tank
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