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Al Paulsen, tripping over Oz

October 4 2007 at 6:30 PM

At 05:15 this beautiful Friday (5th), Al Paulsen has left the house.

For those that are not aware, Al arrived in Steak 'n Kidney about two weeks ago, stayed with Big Graham for a few days before heading north on his Suzi; V Strom 650.

He arrived here in Cairns on Tuesday just gone, after a 1,800 mile bike ride.

A bit of R 'n R after checking out the "white pointers" down on Cairns' Esplanade, and he's on his way north this morning to Daintree / Cape Trib; (Tribulation).

This is where the rainforest meets the sea, on the Great Barrier Reef.

He then heads back south a hundred miles or so and then heads west, up over the Great Dividing Range to the "Outback"

He's heading to Karumba, right at the bottom of the Gulf of Carpentaria, then across through Hell's Gate to Borooloola, about 700 klm; (450 miles) of dirt track.

After getting back onto the black top, he then heads up to Darwin, then down to Perth, across the Nullabor to Adelaide.

Around this area, he will sample some of the finest wines we have on offer.

Then off to Smelbourne via the Great Ocean Road & the Twelve Apostles, and back up the east coast to Steak 'n Kidney again.

Probably about 15,000 miles round trip, and a lot of sore arses Wink

Anyone that wants to be on his mailing list for photo's of his trip, email me & I will forward your details on to Al so he can send you photo's direct.



PS ::: I tried to post this on another forum, but it said it contained a bad word (?)

It would not tell me what that word was so I was unable to change it, I'm danged if I know what the word is

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Phil R

Re: Al Paulsen, tripping over Oz

October 4 2007, 7:23 PM 



Karumba ???

October 4 2007, 8:26 PM 

Surely you are joking ???

Some say Karumba Point Sunset Caravan Park and the fishing in Karumba is the best in Australia!!




I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Oct 4, 2007 8:27 PM

Current Topic - Al Paulsen, tripping over Oz
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