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Lindhaus question

October 5 2007 at 10:21 PM
Grant D  

My 3 month old Dyson dc17 died 2 days ago. No warranty on it since I use it commercially. Instead of paying $200 to fix it I'm thinking of getting something different (aka, better!). I've not been happy with this vac at all, and really don't understand why so many people seem to rave about dysons...

I was looking at the Lindhaus vacs and am leaning that way. My question is mostly whether there is much of a difference between the commercial model such as that Rick sells, and the other model called the "diamante". The latter isn't technically a commercial vac, but has a couple of features that the commercial doesn't as far as I can tell-- namely that it can be run in brush only mode which could be used for a quick pre-scrub or to work in protector.

The other 2 models I seem to keep hearing good things about are the hoover conquest (also sold here) and the commercial sanitaire's. With either of these I'd have to carry a canister for stairs. Nice to have it all on one vac, but I suppose I could live with having to carry a canister.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Lindhaus question

October 5 2007, 11:05 PM 

The Hoover Conquest and the Sanitaires are great vacs.

But the Lindhaus is a vac unlike any other commercial vacuum on the market.

It is a true performer. What caught my attention is the brush roller speed (they spin twice as fast as any other vacuum on the market). The Lindhaus vacs also have excellent suction. They have air-purifier grade filtration, a high-speed brush roller, onboard tools, and a proven track record for dependability. That's why I love these Italian beauties. Once you have a chance to run a Lindhaus you'll be intoxicated with its performance. It's not a Sanitaire. It's not a Hoover Conquest. And it's especially not a Dyson. Five minutes with a Lindhaus and you'll be hooked! That's a promise.

They're not just vacuums, they're vacuum cleaners.

Rick Gelinas

Joe M

What to buy

October 5 2007, 11:09 PM 

A Hoover Conquest is great for comm work and for large open areas(imo).

For doing resi work, which I know is most of what you do Grant, I would use a vac that has an on board tool system, such as what Rick sells(Lindhaus).

Why would you want to carry a canister and an upright when you can have just one.

Now if you do a 50/50 of both comm & resi then I would get one for resi (such as a Lindhaus) and a Hoover Conquest for comm.

Trust me, I have used many of the tools on board type vacs such as a Lindhaus for both comm & resi and they were all I ever needed.

Get a good one and it will last for years.

Joe Gilstrap

Re: What to buy

October 5 2007, 11:45 PM 

I am a big Hoover Conquest fan and I will tell you why. We used a Sanitaire for 2 years. Really liked it. The only thing it ever needed was a belt about every 2 months. But when it came to rental property and neglected homes where you ran into gravel, paper clips, nails, nuts, bolts, the Sanitaire will not pick up even small solid objects gravel. It would just roll them around inside then spit em out. The Conquest is a "Beast". You can run over a quarter and not only will it pick it up but when you get it out of the solid object bin it is actually bent. And the Conquest just keeps on going. Checked the belts after almost 2 years of hell and they still looked pretty darn good and still were not slipping.
I am sure the Lindhaus is a fine vac, but I wonder how it would handle the real crap that us carpet cleaners run into a lot of the time.
What about it Rick? Have you used the Lindhaus in any super rough situations yet?


Re: What to buy

October 6 2007, 1:12 AM 

Being in the commercial janitorial business for the past 8 years I have used the sanitaires. Through them in the garbage. You need the magnets on the front or you'll break the fan sucking up heavy debris.(When it does get that far) I can't say how good the lindhaus is never tried it. I have heard only great things about the hoover conquest never a negative. Never tried it either though.

For carpet cleaning We pile lift everything first on CGD.

I'm sure Rick will steer you in the right direction.

This is funny...
We have pile lifted some CGD and when the customers see it they think we are done. If I was a real jerk I could have left with a check.



October 6 2007, 4:13 AM 


I'm a Lindhaus owner. It is a magnificent vacuum cleaner.

I steer clear from paper clips and quarters ect. However i have accidenally caught a few paper clips and it ate them right up. But i fell in love with it right away, and just as one would with a 55 chevy classic wipe it down every day for hours, i was doing that with my Quiet Storm.(Lindhaus)

What i like about the Quiet Storm is that it is vewy,vewy quiet. Yet it sucks soil like a wind storm. Thats why i nick named it the Quiet Storm.

the brush roller is very simple to keep clean from strings and hair rapped around it. No tools needed

Also, when handle is put in the upright position the brush roller stops, so you can't damage anyones carpet. therefor you can stand the vac on the stairs as you clean with the uphostery attachment.

My customers would ask me "Is that a special vacuum cleaner?"
Its a good looking vac.

The carrying handle is another favorite. There so many others but just to name a few good things about it. You will be glad you purchased it. thats for SURE!

I also bought a conquest for $212.00 off Ebay. I like its edge brush on both sides. But the Lindhaus is my baby!!

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!

David Hebert


October 6 2007, 10:05 AM 

When doing commercial I use a back pack. I know I am way different then most here, but in most cases the carpet we are cleaning is vacuumed most every day and a good cleaning crew should be removing staples paper clips and such regularly.

A back packs vacuum is way more powerful then any up rite has and so is the suction, If I really feel the need to agitate the carpet, then I use a cylindrical brush machine, or pile lifter over the carpet then vac with the back pack.

In all honesty 95% of the time we do not even have to vacuum because the cleaning crews already have done so, the only areas I have to is the place where I am moving furniture

Grant D

Thanks all.

October 6 2007, 12:10 PM 

Thanks guys.

As far as the backpac vac, I have one already. I like it only for wide open, very large commercial work which I unfortunately have VERY little of.

My current backup vac which I am now using is an oreck commercial, which IMO is an average vac for a homeowner to buy and not a good option for deep cleaning.

I'm still leaning toward a lindhaus, we'll see.


Re: Thanks all.

October 6 2007, 2:49 PM 

i couldn't swing the model Lindhaus Rick sells here, so i bought a "close-out" Lindhaus off eBay....different model than Rick's, i think it might be a Diamante??

anyways, i shouldn't have wasted my money. it's a 1 motor machine and has already had problems. had to have it repaired once. vac power is terrible.

i should have either saved up for Rick's more powerful model or saved my $.

so what i can add is: if you are going to buy a Lindhaus, buy Rick's model.

or buy a Conquest with the Anti-Allergen bag attachment - don't get the dust-cup version! and you'll need a canister or BPV for edging.

my comments on the Dyson: i have the DC17 and it is poorly designed. clogs up often and i have to brush the inside off...VERY filthy job.

the DC07 (old yella) i still like the best out of mr. Dyson's vacs. i just bought my 2nd one.

thanx --- Derek.

Bob Forsythe


October 6 2007, 5:22 PM 

I have the Lindhaus Rick sells and like it alot. I never tried a Conquest, so can't make that comparison, but it beats every other vac I have tried. One thing I like about it is that you can vac stairs with it due to the placement of the handle. Using the brush roller on stairs really makes a difference! Also the on-board tools are real time savers. Bags are kind of expensive and it's sometimes hard to push on certain carpets, but all in all a great vac....It also picks up nails, paper clips, etc., though I try to avoid them.

Grant D


October 6 2007, 6:06 PM 

Derek, are you sure it's the diamante you have? It is a double motor also and I was told it also moves the rollerbrush at 5000 rpm. Does it have the switches where you can run it in brush only mode on the front? If not it isn't the diamante.

The diamante I saw looked very solidly built.


Lindhaus all the way!

October 6 2007, 5:32 PM 

Wife broke my Dsyon and I have experience with the Conqeror. Also own a backpack. No doubt hands down the Lindhaus best all around, most convenient, powerful, and so far [about a year] reliable.


Lindhaus all the way!

October 6 2007, 5:32 PM 

Wife broke my Dsyon and I have experience with the Conqeror. Also own a backpack. No doubt hands down the Lindhaus best all around, most convenient, powerful, and so far [about a year] reliable.


Re: Lindhaus all the way!

October 6 2007, 11:26 PM 

Grant, if the Dia has 2 motors, then it is not the model Lindhaus i have.

thanx --- Derek.


Best of both

October 7 2007, 5:22 PM 

I have a Conquest, Lindhaus and backpack. Anothe option one can also consider is a Lil' Hummer II/Sierra or a Sandia backpack(wired for powerhead) and use the Lindhaus PB sieries powerhead and get the suction, manuverability, possible speed, and the agitation/grooming of a powerhead in one. Also believe the Pacific Steamex backpack comes with a powerhead which is a Lindhaus product(private labeled) or at least I got one that way for $50 used from a local vacuum shop. The Lindhaus powerhead/nozzle is really nice, come in a 12" or 15" versions I think. very flexible and manuverable. Where I used to work(State of MO) we had them on Lil' Hummers that were operated by temp labor employees and despite little training and constant high turnover($6.50 an hour pay) they really held up well. One thing is they can get clogged if the user vacuums up paper clips, paper, etc. in their "throat", but can be cleared easily. Also vac mags can be affixed to them. This was 7 or 8 years ago we were doing this but would assume the same holds true with the Lindhaus, ProTeam, and Sandia products.

Current Topic - Lindhaus question
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