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The Mills

October 7 2007 at 3:42 PM
Chris Muetterties  

What do the Mills say about OP?

Phil R


October 7 2007, 4:52 PM 

John and Dorothy Mills are clients of mine and they said they had never seen carpets as clean. In fact, they are active members of their HOA and my name is flying around the hallways now.

Joe M

Thats funny

October 7 2007, 5:29 PM 

Thats a good one.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thats funny

October 7 2007, 6:05 PM 

Aside from Phil's customers (John & Dorothy) LOL - the carpet mills are never going to approve of the OP method. Why is that? Because they have already made up their mind that any machine that goes around in a circle is baaaad for the carpet. So from their point of view, a 175 rpm rotary is bad. An RX-20 is bad. An OP would be bad. Even a Cimex would be considered bad.

The bottom line is this. Their decisions and recommendations are based on spreadsheets. They look at damage claims and at the end of the year they base their decisions on how many claims came from X. Now we need to look at where those blips on their spreadsheets are coming from. Folks who run machines that turn in circles (i.e. rotary machines of any kind) are largely working in the janitorial trade. So we have to wonder what level of proficiency of cleaning went into damaging the carpets. Did some dummy grab a strip pad and scrub the carpet? You get the picture. It all shows up on their spreadsheet under the heading "rotary".

To make the assumption that any machine that rotates will categorically do damage to the fiber flies in the face of rational thinking. Yet this is exactly the position that Dalton has taken on rotary machines of any kind.

On the other hand, you and I KNOW for a fact that a carpet can be damaged by any means of cleaning IF THE OPERATOR does a bad job. And we also know that with proper care and a little bit of brain power (i.e. a professional carpet cleaner) we can achieve stellar results using any of those machines that Dalton frowns upon. The fact is that with a little common sense and a trained technician wonderful results can be produced, without any damage to the carpet.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Thats funny

October 7 2007, 8:32 PM 

I agree. However, until I see the carpet mills allowing OP cleaning in their warranty work, I really can't justify the common recommendations I see here of using it as your only method.

I call it the CCS complex.

David VB

Re: Thats funny

October 7 2007, 10:18 PM 

I can't remember the last time a customer of mine was interested in their warranty, the IICRC or CRI SOA. One retailer I work with told me his salesment are not to mention the warranty to their customers. The mills can't get either residential or commercial customers to understand the need to clean their carpets. If they want HWE performed regulary, then they also need to convince them to spend more than 6 or 7 cents. When they accomplish that, maybe their recommendations will carry more weight.

I went to a faciities managers association meeting (IFMA)where the guest speaker was from the largest carpet dealer in our area, probably our state. He told all those facility managers the best thing to do was to not have their carpets cleaned for as long as possible and then when they have them cleaned to only use water. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Current Topic - The Mills
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