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Why is the Vento .....

October 7 2007 at 5:18 PM
Chris Muetterties  

So smooth ? Is it true that its a slower clean then the CCS OP ?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Why is the Vento .....

October 7 2007, 6:19 PM 

The reason the Vento and the Challenger are smoother is because they do not have as large of an orbit as the competition. Is a large orbit better, faster? That's debatable. The size of the orbit of the Vento and the Challenger are slightly smaller than the size of a dime. What does that mean? It means that each of the 1725 orbits per minute, are roughly the size of little dime circles.

Now the question comes down to this. How big are the tufts of carpet fiber? Are they large or are they small. The size of the orbits of the Vento and the Challenger address the fiber very satisfactorily making dime sized circles on the carpet.

So what is the benefit from larger orbits? Is there a need for a larger orbit than a dime when the carpet is constructed with small tufts of fiber? On paper a larger orbit may sound impressive. But my feeling is that a larger orbit is unneeded, and only contributes to excessive vibration. That vibration gets transmitted to the carpet and through the machine and up the handle to the operator.

We've received a lot of positive feedback from folks who have owned the competition. And when they get a chance to try either a Vento or a Challenger they are always shocked at how smooth the machines are. It's fun to see the reaction from folks at the trade shows

Both the Vento and the Challenger run smoothly because they were designed with that end in mind. The Challenger feels a bit more direct/connected with the carpet, yet it is still very smooth. The Vento feels a bit more stout, kind of like a Cadillac, because of its hefty aluminum base and beefy handle that soak up the vibration.

I love the Vento and the Challenger machines. I think they are perfect for carpet cleaning. But in the end, it all comes down to personal preference.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Why is the Vento .....

October 7 2007, 7:35 PM 

When you hoola hoop with a 4 ft./diameter hoola hoop it will orbit your belly 50 time per minute. But when you get yourself a 8ft./diameter hoola hoop it will orbit your belly 30 times per minute. bigger the hoop the less times it orbits. Thats why little children always get the small hoops, cause they can't get the big ones to orbit there belly one time.

Think of each fiber as a belly. The smaller dime size orbits the Vento makes is agitating more fibers ,more times per minute then bigger orbits. Which means cleaner carpet faster.

Thats my logic. I'm sure glad a very dear family member talked me into getting a Vento over a crb. It is definately a good investment.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Re: Why is the Vento .....

October 7 2007, 8:27 PM 

The vibration of the machine has been the main reason for my rejection of OP cleaning. Every OP machine I have used vibrated terribly, and I think, imho, that the larger orbit with it's excessive vibration gives way too much agitation on the pile and may account for the difference between the amount of carpet fiber I have seen post cleaning with what many of you report seeing.

I really need to get somewhere to try both those machines to see how useful they might be in my business.

Joe Desmond

Re: Why is the Vento .....

October 7 2007, 10:04 PM 

Me too Marty!!! Very interested in both the steamin Demon and a OP.

Grant D


October 10 2007, 12:17 PM 

Interesting that everyone is reporting that the vento is so much quieter than even the challenger. The challenger certainly is much quieter than my ccs machine. However it cleans slower.

Mr. Admiral if you don't mind my asking, what OP machine do you use/have you used that you've been unhappy with?

Current Topic - Why is the Vento .....
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