| Steamin Demon/Vento vs. Steamin Demon/CRBOctober 8 2007 at 3:26 PM | Rambo |
| Someone asked me which I prefered. I own both combos but if I could only buy one combo it would be the SD/CRB. Reasons, ease of use, no pads to wash/buy, speed (slightly faster) Lighter (important when you have girls opeerating the equipment) That is IMHO. |
| Author | Reply |
| Re: Steamin Demon/Vento vs. Steamin Demon/CRB | October 8 2007, 6:19 PM |
Pad or bonnet washing is an enormous expense in both money and time that most prospective OP ppurchasers never take into consideration. |
David VB
| Re: Steamin Demon/Vento vs. Steamin Demon/CRB | October 8 2007, 8:50 PM |
You say the cost is enormous. What would you say it does cost to wash a load or two of pads? How long would you say it takes to put them in the washer and take them out when done? How does this compare with the cost in money and time when operating a TM? I've had TMs for years but am relativley new to padding.
If I was using the Steamin Demon on every job I would also prefer the CRB for a pre-scrub. I have tried using a CRB and encap on my carpets. I personally an not comfortable with doing that. I am finding that if the Vento is used carefully you can remove a lot of soil safely and efficiently.
I guess for now, I would rather throw some pads in the washer than climb into the back of a truck and try to figure out why the water box is overflowing or not filling or any of a few dozen other things that go wrong with TMs. Its hard to predict what I will think next year. |
| Re: Steamin Demon/Vento vs. Steamin Demon/CRB | October 8 2007, 11:29 PM |
A TM is not really all that prone to breakdowns. At least, all the one's I've owned haven't been. I just had Chan, the wizard dude at TCS in Atlanta, tell me that I was unusual (no big surprise, I know). I ordered a 200 foot replacement of my solution line because it started the black water thing. I told him to send me a new line to the water heater, too. Just in case. Then, a couple of days later I noticed that one of the belts on my blower pulley was starting to wear. So, I called him to get a belt and told him to go ahead and send me all three and I would replace the set while I was at it, and then, as an after thought, I remembered that I no longer had a spare fuel pump on hand, so I told him to send me one of those too. He laughed and told me I was the only dude ever to think ahead and order the parts necessary to fix potential problems. Heck, I figured everybody did routine maintenance, but Chan told me most cleaners let their rigs go until they would no longer run, and then, and only then, would they climb up into the back of the truck to see if he could figure out why the water box was overflowing.
As far as washing pads is concerned, my wife refuses to let me wash any of my work related pads, bonnets, or towels at our house. So, I have to go to the local laundry mat. It costs me $4.50 per load and bach when I was OP cleaning I would wash at least one, and sometimes two loads a day. Add the time spend sitting there so the local democrats wouldn't steal my stuff, and the costs add up.
David VB
| TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 11:29 AM |
You seem to be stating that the only reason someone would have problems with a TM is negligence.
My current machine has 250 hours on it. I just found out what I am supposed to do to fix the problem with the water box. The electrical connections from the float to the relay need to be changed from connectors to solder. Whose negligence is that?
I bought my first TM is 1993. It was from a major manufacturer and was a fine machine. I bought my second in 1997. It was nothing but trouble. In 2000 the manufacturer, who I was very loyal to, assured me the problems were fixed. I traded both machines in for the same models. I rarely needed 2 machines. I used one truck for my personal vehicle and had it for a backup when needed. I had problems almost from day one. The worst part was that when one machine went down and I took the other out to finish a job, it wouldn’t work either. This happened 3 or 4 times. My distributor was 5 hours away. I made several trips for warranty work in addition to making repairs myself.. I got so disgusted that I sold them both with less than 500 hours on them. I didn’t have them long enough to neglect them.
My next machine was also from a major manufacturer. I had it for 9 months. It was in the shop 14 times in those 9 months. It was so bad that the distributor gave me a full refund. Was that negligence also?
I think anyone who is going to rely on a TM for their income needs to know this can happen. They can then weigh all this with the “enormous costs” of washing pads.
Stating that washing pads is an enormous expense in money and time is not what my experience tells me. Of course if your wife makes you go to the laundry it would change matters somewhat. My wife is happy to help. If I continue padding though, I’ll buy another washer. I'll also spend $1700.00 for a back up OP machine instead of $17,000.00 for the back up TM.
If your talking costs, make an honest comparison of all costs to a system and make an intelligent decision.
There are good arguments to be made on why a TM is worth the trouble. “Enormous” costs of washing pads doesn’t seem to me to be one of them.
To assume that someone who has a different experience than what you have had is due to some failure on his part is narrow minded and typical of the dialogue on forums. (I should say other forums. Not this one.)
This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 11:40 AM This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 11:36 AM This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 11:31 AM
| Phil R
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 11:39 AM |
Having never owned a TM i can not reply. I own a OP with some pads...and they only need to be cleaned when they get used. Hence,,,,that expense is a mute point when one is trying to grow a business. TM's cost money when they sit in the driveway. Way more than a few loads of dirty pads do.
Lets talk about gas. My gas to get there is most likely less that yours...I have no engine running to clean my carpets...no belts, no oil....heaters coils etc.
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 2:56 PM |
And apparently not much carpet to clean either. If you cleaned much, you'd have a couple of loads a day.
Well, there's another word I could use to describe most complaining TM owners, but this is supposed to be a nice board, so I won't use the stupid word.
This message has been edited by admiralclean on Oct 9, 2007 2:58 PM
Phil R
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 4:31 PM |
No, I don't clean much carpet. I do hi-rise window cleaning for the majority of my income. I got into carpet cleaning for the hi-rise condos I serve. These are areas where a TM does not work anyway. The guys will use porties though. and, I own a porty.
Now, had I purchased a truck mount, I'd still have to make the payments for same even when it sat idle on my driveway.
And...the TM wont get to the 24th floor. So....it would be idle.
But....when I clean a carpet(about 3 a week right now)I wash the pads. (about $6 a week).
How much are TM's?
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 5:22 PM |
You need a Demon.
And more work. |
David VB
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 5:23 PM |
I don't think Mr Admiral was refering to you.
As to stupid, who is the one who described $4.50 of laundry as "enormous expense." If $4.50 is enormous to you then I suppose one could wonder how much carpet you clean sir.
As to whether it takes one load or two, I suppose that depends on what pads you are using, what kind of washer you have, whether you clean trashed trailers or million dollar homes and a number of other factors.
Also, a lot of money can be made on commercial maintenance accounts with Cimexs and no pad washing.
Your bias is showing. Go back to your petty arguments with John G on Mikey's board.
This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 5:36 PM This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 5:35 PM This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 5:30 PM This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 5:28 PM This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Oct 9, 2007 5:23 PM
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 5:53 PM |
Why? You're just as easy. |
David VB
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 6:18 PM |
I suppose if I want to make this board more like the others I should come back with a grade school comment to match yours.
I'm sorry to see this on your board Rick and my apologies for contribting to it. |
| Re: TM problems & negligence. | October 9 2007, 6:59 PM |
I'm glad to see you admitt to contributing to it.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step in solving it.
Or, so I hear ... |
| Be Nice to Marty... | October 9 2007, 8:55 PM |
If you read a lot of Martys post you will find alot of good usable honest information. I for one never miss a post he puts up on any board. |
| Re: Be Nice to Marty... | October 9 2007, 9:47 PM |
The money's in the mail, Ray.
Thanks. |
Del Scrivner
| Ray... | October 10 2007, 12:35 AM |
Ray...Don't let yImMy see you defending Marty like that cuz then you will be Marty's Lap Dog.
Del (AKA- Rick's Lap Dog- per YiMmY anyways) Make you own luck,
Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care |
| Shorty
| Re; And...the TM wont get to the 24th floor. So....it would be idle. | October 10 2007, 6:38 AM |
I have an ancient Aussie made Hydra-vac; with a liquid ring vacuum.
A mate of mine down near Melbourne, has a similar machine.
Probably about 12 - 15 ago, he cleaned that carpets in the Australian Taxation Office in Melbourne.
From memory, this was on the 23rd floor.
Ran his vac; & solution up the fire escape stairs.
Pushed pressure to 600psi.
Ran the whole thing all week-end, day & night with an RX-20.
All they did was change operators and add gas to the truck mount to keep it running.
To make the above statement without factual knowledge, well..............
You have to have imagination, don't take anyone's word for it when they say something can't be done in this industry.
Twelve + years ago, I was told I would never clean carpets again, & that my right leg was going to be amputated due to Golden Staph.
I beat the 'staph; when the doctors couldn't, & tried to punch the lights out on the "specialist" that was going to amputate.
I still clean carpets, still have my leg, and still have a sense of humour.
Cheers, I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.
www.get.shorty.com.au |
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