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More about the Demons

October 9 2007 at 2:53 AM


Strictly for residential work, I think you blokes call these condominimums or something.

We call them flats, home units, apartments & A.P.I.T.A. jobs

These are little boxes built on top of each other.

Can be one, two or three bedroom units.

Specifically high rise buildings.

Usually rentals, can be furnished or unfurnished.

Now the questions:

Which would be the better Steamin Demon to purchase for cleaning of carpets in the above??

The older "Classic" model, or the newer flash one??

All answers shall respectfully be taken on board before being discarded depending on good points/bad points.

What do you like about each model??

What is it about each model that you don't like??

What would you do to rectify any concerns that you have for each model??

Thank you for your impending replies.

The short round mound of sound, from up top down under.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.



October 9 2007, 9:05 PM 

Shorty, I have the XL-20 model. The Classic is more expensive, does not have a good filtering system, only comes in 15", must be pulled (the XLs can be pushed or pulled) It is easier to hook up the vac hose and solution hose to the XL and I use mine alot. After talking to Bob Whitkamp about how he ran his RX20 hooked up to his (I thought he was kidding me) I ordered one immediately. I sure do miss him and Ed York


Thanks Rambo

October 9 2007, 9:58 PM 

I was pretty sure I have heard that same story before, the RX bit also sounds familiar.

My Rex, (CMX-20), is the slow speed (90 rpm) version that came out with the power module, so it can be hooked up the same as the Steamin Demon.

Three in one sheath, water from tap, waste to sink, electric lead to power supply.

In all the years I have had it, I only used the power module probably three times.

Screamin' Demon is what I used to call it, very high pitched noise level.

The base model works perfect, and quite when hooked up to either a t/m or potty.

My potty USED to have two vac; motors in the machine + two more vac; motors in a booster box.

Just got to be to much to lug around all the time, along with solution and vacuum hoses, so I flogged it off to a guy down in Sydney.

Wouldn't mind picking up a used S/D, the electrics would have to be reworked, also the vac; motors for our 220/240 volt, 50Hz power supply.

But nothing is impossible.

Thanks again.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - More about the Demons
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