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Is it worth to

October 11 2007 at 3:24 AM

I am thinking of hiring a full time commercial sales rep. Will this be worth it? Also what kind of a salary/commission is everyone paying.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Is it worth to

October 11 2007, 6:25 AM 

It can be worth it if you are in a market that can support a full time commercial sales person. You'll need to closely consider if they are GOOD at selling - getting you in the door. If they're not good, you're gong to burn money. If you have them on a commission basis, you will hold them to the fire and they'll be forced to be accountable for producing sales.

Another option, if you don't live in an area that's heavily populated with commercial work would be to consider going with a part time salesperson. You could get someone who is a GOOD salesperson in another industry, who wants to pick up some extra money on the side. For instance, there are a lot of real estate and mortgage sales people around the country right now who are hurting, and would be eager to supplement their income

Let us know what you decide and check back to share your results.

Rick Gelinas

Tom Blandford

Re: Is it worth to

October 11 2007, 2:09 PM 

If you are in a big enough market you will benefit from having a sales rep. at my company in st. louis mo. we have 6 reps that do nothing but cater to the clients that we have built over the years and of course go after new buisness. They are paid on a salary/bonus set up that keeps them going after newer and better clients. good luck

Current Topic - Is it worth to
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