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Unrelated to Carpet but still very impotent

October 15 2007 at 11:30 PM
David Gelinas  

Police today warned all men who frequent yacht clubs, dock parties and all clubs and bars to stay cautious when offered drinks by women. Females are using a date rape drug called "beer" to target unsuspecting men. This drug comes in liquid form and is available nearly everywhere. "Beer" is used by female predators to persuade helpless male victims to go home with them. Women need only persuade a man to consume a few of these "beers" and then ask him home for no-strings-attached sex, a simple approach that renders most men helpless.

After several "beers," men will have sex with even unattractive women. Often men awaken with only hazy memories of the night before, a horrible headache, and a vague feeling that something bad happened. Some really unfortunate men are even separated from their life's savings in a scam called "a relationship." In extreme cases, females have entrapped unsuspecting males into long-term servitude through a punishment called "marriage."
Apparently, men are much more susceptible to this scam once "beer" is administered. Forward this warning to every male you know. And if you, or some man you know, have fallen victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women who administer it, rest assured: male support groups exist in every major city where you can discuss the ugly details of your encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys.
For the support group nearest you, look in the Yellow Pages under "Golf Courses.".

David Gelinas


Del Scrivner

Re: Unrelated to Carpet but still very impotent

October 16 2007, 12:25 AM 

I thought I was the only one this has happened to.  These were followed by other scams called PREGNANCY, DIVORCE and CHILD SUPPORT.

Do they use the orange balls and rubber clubs and shoot at the windmill and the clown's mouth at these support groups?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Oct 16, 2007 12:26 AM

george mavridis

They got me too !!

October 16 2007, 8:29 AM 

I was lured as well and caught in that long-term servitude called marriage. Then came the financial ruin of "children"

It's enough to make a man turn to drink...........what am I saying, that's how I got into this MESS to start with.


Rick Davies

Re: They got me too !!

October 16 2007, 1:45 PM 

It gets even more insidious the children grow up and just when it seems the will leave you and your wallet and the TV remote alone , they spring this thing called College at you........

Kevin Jones

Re: They got me too !!

October 16 2007, 2:08 PM 

We should not stand for this predatory behavior any longer. I find it so terrifying to be thought of only as a piece of meat. Disgusting!!


Eat yer hearts out

October 16 2007, 5:50 PM 

I've been through it all.

Been led kicking & screaming into various places against my stupified will, unaware that these lecherous women were plying me with ALCOHOL.

The mind was strong, but the flesh was weak, (work that out Ray )

Then the hip pocket nerve nearly had a Collaroy Conclusion, MARRIAGE.

After that came the rug rats.

The poor old hip pocket nerve really had a work out during this period.

Then we got lucky

Seen them leave home................yahooooooooooooooo

Then they come back again

Another lesson was learnt...............

A loan is never a loan, if you borrow something from your parents.

One thing I have learnt is...........

Old age & treachery,

will overcome

youth & skill

As I get older, I will have my revenge on my children.

Delia & I are going to move in with THEM



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - Unrelated to Carpet but still very impotent
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