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nasty, nasty, nasty stains

October 17 2007 at 1:05 PM
Bill Youmans 

doing a big job, 60,000-80,000 sq ft. everything going well until I hit the conferecnce center. It has about 20 rooms and almost all have ridiculous nasty stains. I have scrubbed, cimex and by hand, flushed using steamon demon and still nothing. Looks to be coffee or similar. Like I said, everything else going well, but these look horrible. I've spent alot of hours on these rooms already and they don't look like I've even tried. Any suggestions.

Also in the hallway of the conference area, lots of stains, maybe from overhead leaks, rusty, nasty, so any suggestions would be great.

By the way, this is a major telecommunications building, but their maintenance of their building is really lacking.

Bill Y


You've Flushed, Great ! .........

October 17 2007, 4:40 PM 

Now, what i would do at this point is use Punch as pre spray. 8-10 oz per gallon Maybe even 12oz. Let it dwell 5 minutes, Scrub it in with the Mex. Then i would extract. soil/moisture with thin tu-way bonnets.

I would then come back with Cimex/DS mixed at 6-8oz per gallon. Not over wetting the fibers with one pass and multible dry passes until you see the desired results on one particular stain at a time.Then move to the next.

Then i would go ahead and clean the whole area as normal with Cimex/DS 6oz per gallon. I learned this from the Journeymen of the OCCD Group.

I'm wondering did you flush with Punch?? Or just water??

Punch is great to flush with.
Congrats on your new Demon, I'm jealous.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!

Rick Thode

Re: nasty, nasty, nasty stains

October 17 2007, 5:12 PM 

If it is coffee or other tannin type stains, cleaner themselves will not remove it. You need to use 30 vol. peroxide and ammonia. Mix half & half (only what you can use in a half hour) then moisten the stain with this. The stain should disappear over the next day.

Rick Thode


Re: nasty, nasty, nasty stains

October 17 2007, 6:51 PM 


Impressive! there Rick.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Re: nasty, nasty, nasty stains

October 17 2007, 9:02 PM 

Like Rick said. Try to identify what the stain actually is then use appropirate spotting techniques. For the coffee stain Spray and Go from Chemspec works well however you do need to vacuum up the white residue when it dries.


Rick Gelinas

"We care as much about your business as you do"

October 17 2007, 9:08 PM 

I came up with a slogan many years ago in my commercial carpet cleaning business: "We care as much about your business as you do". We muttered this to ourselves, never said it to the custys, but it made us feel better on the nasty ones

My thought was this --- if YOU care about your business, we will care about it too! On the other hand, if you're a pig, ---- well what do you expect from us, a miracle? Ultimately, we want to care about every business, but there are LIMITS. We can't perform miracles --- if a textile is that badly neglected there isn't much hope for perfection. And if the people in the building are such PIGS (as they often are in call centers) then they will be content to return to their trough.

Bottom line: Do your best and don't lose sleep over it. They certainly won't be losing any sleep if it doesn't turn perfect.

Rick Gelinas

Joe Gilstrap

Re: "We care as much about your business as you do"

October 18 2007, 8:13 AM 

Well said Rick! The longer that I am in this business the more I realize that in our quest to do quality work we should not worry so much about the results. As professional carpet cleaners we know what the situation requires, we perform our service with the correct chemicals and procedure and that is all we can do. For years I worried when people would call me in to clean their carpet that had been neglected for years. I thought that I should be able to restore it to it's original condition. Then I realized that there is a thing called "carpet damage". When do not "heal carpet" we clean what is there.
If you take a sledge hammer to your car and than have it washed and waxed the damage will still be there.

Phil R

Re: "We care as much about your business as you do"

October 18 2007, 10:58 AM 

I have often said (I clean windows mainly):
"It is a squeegee, not a magic wand."

Current Topic - nasty, nasty, nasty stains
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