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Encap Spot and Vomit.....

October 18 2007 at 7:39 PM

This past week I have had two calls for bedroom vomit accidents. Not my favorite call and I charge double/triple depending. Both of these spills were about 3' in diameter, and about 24 hours old. One was on very expensive white nylon carpet and the other was on beige polyester. The first thing I did when walking to inspect, I carried a bottle of Encap Spot and immediately sprayed 1/2 of the bottle on it while I went to the van to get my OP machine and a couple of 100% cotton pads. I let it dwell for 10 minutes (these were extremely bad, with lots of red) I pre-sprayed the pad lightly and could not believe my eyes as to how it popped and was gone, into the pad of course. Used all four sides of the pad and was going to flush it with the Steamin Demon, but decided not to. Half a quart is about $4.00 Cheap for the way it works..Called back the next day on both calls and I had two new Cheerleaders. This product is also excellent on soil filtration lines.


Del Scrivner

Re: Encap Spot and Vomit.....

October 18 2007, 8:16 PM 

Out of curiosity what did you charge Ray?  You can e-mail me privately if you wish ....

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


All four sides of pad

October 18 2007, 8:52 PM 

being new to oping what do you mean you used all 4 sides of pad?

Joe Desmond

Re: All four sides of pad

October 18 2007, 11:15 PM 

I tried Encap spot on red wine and soda spill. White terry cloth towel and blotted. Turned blue in the towel. Beige Nylon cut pile. Spot gone!!!!


Re: All four sides of pad

October 19 2007, 8:34 AM 

Jeff, I didn't know a pad had four sides, LOL. I meant I used two pads, and that gave me four sides.


Thanks Ramob

October 19 2007, 11:57 AM 

Thanks Rambo, I'm new at oping and thoght maybe I missed something LOL


Del Scrivner

Re: Thanks Ramob

October 20 2007, 2:24 AM 

He turned the pads inside out- DUH!

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - Encap Spot and Vomit.....
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