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Bucket Heater Use

October 19 2007 at 9:34 PM
Dan D 


Just got a bucket heater to start using with my cimex. I have a couple questions.

-Can/do you use these in normal 5gal plastic buckets?
-Do you heat just the water then mix or heat it rtu?
-Can you drop it in all the way to the bottom or do you suspend it some how.

Any advice/answers would be appreciated. I do not want to test this out on the job and have something go wrong. Thanks!!

The won I have is from JonDon by Safe-Hete 1150 watt.>


This message has been edited by dandahms on Oct 19, 2007 9:42 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Bucket Heater Use

October 19 2007, 10:34 PM 

Just drop the heater into your bucket of mixed rtu detergent and in about 15-20 minutes the water will be very hot. Hot water will add a little boost to your cleaning.

Rick Gelinas

Joe Desmond

Re: Bucket Heater Use

October 20 2007, 12:41 AM 

I have the same heater. I also purchased the little thermometer.
I use a 3 gallon bucket.When I arrive the first thing I do is fill the bucket with hot tap water and drop the heater in. Then vacuum, move chairs etc. Check it after about 20 minutes. I heat the water to about 160 degrees. Then add my juice. Dump in in the tank. Fill the bucket again add the heater and while that's cooking start scrubbing.


Del Scrivner

Re: Bucket Heater Use

October 20 2007, 2:19 AM 

Here are some bucket heater tips:

1) I only put water in my 5 Gallon buckets.  That way you never cross contaminate of have any foaming problems in your buckets- forcing you to do extra work and rinse them out.  I add my chemicals to my tank on my Cimex, Sprint, Sprayer, HWE Portable- whatever.  In fact read the Jon-Don link you placed and it says CLEAR WATER ONLY.

2) If you allow a bucket heater to sit long enough it will cause the water to boil- not wildly mind you, but you can get it to 210 degrees. 

3) You can place more then one bucket heater in a bucket.

4) I run my bucket heaters off of a surge protector/power strip to make best use of one outlet.  ALWAYS place the surger protector on the floor.  I narrowly escaped disaster when I had it on a bathroom counter (residential job) once and it fell off and started to land in the water filled bucket while plugged in- that was a Bruce Lee/Matrix like moment as I managed to grab it first.

5) DON"T EVER, EVER, EVER use a bucket heater directly on a rolled linoleum floor (many lower to middle class residential bathrooms).  It will get hot enough to melt the floor and stick the bucket to the floor.  TRUST ME- I KNOW first hand.  I place two carpet samples under each bucket- no matter what type of flooring- Nice impression for clients.  A carpet store can hook you up.

6) I have 3 bucket heaters at all times.  2 go into buckets and one back up.

7) If you have hard water (we do in Arizona) you may want to descale your bucket heaters from time to time.  A decent HWE supply house will sell descaler chemicals.

8) You can get 2 liter (1/2 Gal) jugs at the dollar store to dip into bucket heater water to fill sprayers with the hottest water possible.

9) Fill buckets and place heaters in as FIRST thing on every job.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Oct 20, 2007 2:22 AM
This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Oct 20, 2007 2:21 AM

Phil R


October 20 2007, 4:44 AM 

AWESOME tips Man! Thanks....whew! You may have save my arse with the bucket on the floor tip.


Re: DEL!

October 20 2007, 10:08 AM 

I also agree to heat the water in 5 gallon buckets, i add a thermoter to it one of those small ones with a pointed probe on it, I ran the probe through a ork so it floats in the water and can be left in the water and easily removed.


Re: DEL!

October 20 2007, 4:04 PM 

here's a tip: i recommend you don't place the BH in RTU solution. if you do, it leaves a residue on the element and next time you goto turn it on and you have only half a tank of solution lets say. now half the heating element is out of the water.

that residue begins to burn and it REALLY stinks. you might have a client wondering whats burning...not good.

thanx --- Derek.


Del Scrivner

Re: DEL!

October 20 2007, 4:17 PM 


Good thermometer point I forgot that one.  I use a very large dialed cooking thermometer from Wal-Mart like $6 or $7.  On the aisle with the kitchen utensils- spatulas and stuff...

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Dan D


October 20 2007, 9:15 PM 

Thanks for all the tips and info. Much appreciated.



Re: Bucket Heater Use

October 22 2007, 1:48 PM 


Since the hot water will only add a "little boost to your cleaning". Do you think the effort, cost, and possible problems with using a bucket heater is worth it?
Is the hot water especially crucial when encapping? Is hot tap water suffecient for encapping? Would you reccomend the purchase of a bucket heater?
Judging by the number of cleaners that use the bucket heater, it seems like the bucket heater is the way to go. Thanks.

Current Topic - Bucket Heater Use
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