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'Organic' Customer had questions...

October 29 2007 at 11:04 AM

I have a potential customer that runs some Organic Health stores. They have carpet in one facility and the carpets are terrible. I know I can clean them and have them look great with my cimex and Releasit system. The owner would like to know how 'harsh' the chemicals are. They really don't like the idea of putting any chemicals in the carpet.

I think they should like the idea of tea tree oil being in the mix. Also, from what I understand, the active chemical crystallizes and releases then vacuumed up. Then the alcohol will evaporate.

Is there anything I'm missing? What else should I tell them?




October 29 2007, 12:29 PM 

You can print out MSDS sheets from Ricks product site they list them on the right side column


Re: 'Organic' Customer had questions...

October 29 2007, 5:51 PM 

Customers Like that I would love to ask do you drive? do you heat your house with fossil fuels? ect ect ect But I dont their money is GREEN too ; ).... They are so worried about trival things like carpet cleaning they loose prespective.  But anyway no I dont think your missing much. Infact I have let customers know the "CLEANING AGENTS" (I never say chemical) I use are safer than Tide Era plus Cher and other laundry detergents. I will show the MSDS sheet and show the customer the health rating on most of my products are a 1 ( miniumal health risk if any at all) and are biodegradable. That usually satifies the "Organic" customers.


Del Scrivner

I dunno Steve

October 30 2007, 12:05 AM 

"I use are safer than Tide Era plus Cher and other laundry"

I'd like some Cher she is still pretty hot after all these years.  I could spend her money too.  I wouldn't mind being called "Carpet Boy".

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care



Health Nut

October 30 2007, 5:00 PM 

This guy runs a health store and has filthy carpets? Not too healthy.
Buy some of Rick's green cleaning products and tell him that you use GREEN cleaning products. What does it matter what you clean the rug with so long as you get it clean. If this carpet was so important, he would have taken care of it.

Make sure he is really green:

Must have a WM dumpster behind his business

send him to:

and buy him a small pine tree and tell him to give it a hug!

Phil R

Re: Health Nut

October 30 2007, 6:01 PM 

I did not know Rick had Green products.


Re: I dunno Steve

October 30 2007, 7:49 PM 

LOL yeah Del I got to agree with you there... I got dragge to her farewell tour concert when she was here in Portland... YUP she still one hot babe.


Rick Gelinas

A couple of ideas for you to consider

October 31 2007, 7:40 AM 

You might want to explain that there are no hazardous ingredients in Encap-Clean.

There are no harmful VOC emissions.

You might also want to push the Tea Tree button a little.

But a factor that they may very well be interested in is how little of an impact your cleaning system makes on the environment. We are NOT taking 2 gallons of water per minute from the water table and returning spent waste water as a byproduct, as is the case with HWE. Rather, we are cleaning 300 sq ft of carpet with each gallon of water, and no waste water is produced.

And last but not least, SHOW THEM the results. Show them the carpet's appearance, its anti-wicking abilities, and its propensity to stay clean longer. I think you will easily help them to see that this is an earth friendly alternative that makes good sense.

Rick Gelinas




October 31 2007, 3:25 PM 

The answer to your GREEN Product question is called
"ENVIROPACT". This term qualifies Releasit as GREEN cleaning.

Give these type of people all the green they want and take some of their green out of their pocket and put it in yours.

Current Topic - 'Organic' Customer had questions...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS