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best brushes for the cimex

November 3 2007 at 3:11 PM
Bill Youmans  

what are the best carpet bruses to get for the cimex, been using fiber plus pads but i really go through alot of them, just figured on lighter soiled carpet this would be the most economical way to go about it.

Bill Y


Rick Gelinas

Re: best brushes for the cimex

November 3 2007, 6:06 PM 

The BEST brushes for the Cimex are NOT brushes at all - they're FiberPlus pads!

Why Brushes Are NOT As Good As Pads:

1. Brushes do not disperse the detergent evenly. So you often have to use more solution. At the very least, you will need to slow down and make extra passes to get the detergent to cover the carpet evenly.

2. The shampoo brushes are too soft for anything other than delicate carpet/rugs.

3. The shampoo brush bristles get gnarled up in the middle of the brushes.

4. The brushes do not make the best agitation of the fiber, since they don't make good surface contact, and the lubricated bristles tend to just slide over the carpet.

By comparison... FiberPlus pads disperse the detergent more evenly than the bushes, so you are able to clean using less detergent. And the pads make full surface contact, so they grip and move the tufts of fiber with better agitation than brushes. The results of using pads is that you can clean with SUPERIOR agitation. Brushes typically do a poor job of generating good agitation.

The FiberPlus pads should last for an average of about 5 hours of run time per set of 3 pads. That means that you can plan on cleaning for 5 hours at a cost of $6 for 3 pads. In the big picture - if you're cleaning at the normal rate of $100+ per hour - you will have generated $500+ using $6 worth of pads. And you will have cleaned more efficiently and you will have used less detergent in the process. And that amounts to a larger profit. This is why I say that the BEST brushes for the Cimex are NOT brushes at all - they're FiberPlus pads!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 3, 2007 7:09 PM

David Hebert

Re: best brushes for the cimex

November 3 2007, 8:52 PM 

I have to agree with Rick it took me a while to submit to the fact but pads work better then brushes, unless it is rugs then i always use brushes I am not taking a chance on ruining any clients expensive rug

Joe Gilstrap

Re: best brushes for the cimex

November 3 2007, 10:04 PM 

I actually did a test comparison between the brushes and fiber pads.

Did a small church auditorium, 1/2 brushes and 1/2 pads. Stood on the stage and gazed out over the carpet.

Pads won hands down. I was wishing for the brushes to win so I would not have to keep buying pads, but there was an obvious difference. So much so that I had to clean the brush side again to make it match.

Caught ya tellin the truth again Rick.



Re: best brushes for the cimex

November 4 2007, 1:04 AM 

That's the same reason the Cimex makes a CRB look like a toy...brushes just don't clean as well as the FP pads.

Current Topic - best brushes for the cimex
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