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November 15 2007 at 8:01 PM

I just got a call from my account. He tells me that the elevator mechanic tracked carbon on the brand new carpet (olefin)

Wants me to address the matter. Would you say carbon is in the ink-family as far as what solution to address it with?

I always known carbon to smear in the grammer school class room. I'm kinda reluctant to handle it. After all i did offer to put the buiding on a maintenance plan, I would have been obligated then.

Your Servant Alex

The Time Left Is Reduced!!

Bob Kinnarney

Re: Carbon

November 15 2007, 8:29 PM 

I would treat it like copier toner. Vacuum vacuum vacuum with the upholstery brush attatchment. If you use the notorized brush it will smear and the friction from the brush or beater bar could possible fuse it to the fiber. The remaining should be rinsed cool water. A citrus solvent may also help. This may be a help or I am totally out to lunch on this one.



Del Scrivner

Re: Carbon

November 15 2007, 11:07 PM 


The true guru on this that I would personally seek out is Scott Warrington he is almost always on the ICS board daily.  He does work/consult for Bridgepoint so he might (in e-mail, not on the board) recommend specific Bridgepoint products to you.

Of course Rick may have some direct knowledge too he has done CGD for years and also used to do janitorial stuff too (if my aging memory serves me).

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Carbon

November 16 2007, 5:34 AM 

I had a residential the other day with graphite from their desk chair, yes to vaccuum, I followed up with a citurs cleaner do a small spot first, with towel. Being olefin your chances of success are greater. I would make sure not to over wet just put solvent on towell then address stain.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Carbon

November 16 2007, 7:46 AM 

Vacuum like crazy (as mentioned above) and then pre-treat the carpet with a strong mixture of Encap-Punch. Then clean with the Cimex, mixing your DS at 6 oz per gallon. We've heard from cleaners who have successfully cleaned carbon from carpet with this approach.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Carbon
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