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Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines

November 20 2007 at 6:41 PM

Rick Gelinas 

We are proud to now be offering a seriously nice replacement cord for the Cimex machines. This cord is considerably heavier than the standard Cimex cord. It carries the highest safety ratings for a cord of this type. It's water resistant. It's super durable. And it's extremely flexible! If you're in need of a really nice replacement cord (not like anything you might find at a big box home store) this one will do very nicely. We're selling these cords for $90 with free shipping in the US...

Rick Gelinas


Del Scrivner

Re: Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines

November 20 2007, 9:50 PM 

And what would be the benefit of this cord over the standard cord Rick?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines

November 20 2007, 10:04 PM 

The standard Cimex cord is just fine, and there's no need to replace a perfectly good cord. This cord is simply a beefy and flexible alternative for the original cord. And if you ever need to replace your Cimex cord (sometimes cords wear out) - this cord makes a top notch replacement!

Rick Gelinas



Re: Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines

November 21 2007, 2:59 AM 

I've noticed several nicks on my Cimex cord and it's from getting caught in office partitions, so I can see the benefit of a heavier cord. My Tennant rotary came with a heavy yellow cord like that and it has been indestructable. I always thought that the stock cord on the Cimex was a little whimpy for the machine. I'll have to get one of those.


Joe DeSouza

Re: Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines

November 21 2007, 10:13 AM 

Hey Rick, one problem I always found with the cimex cord (Mine is a thick black one)is that it has a RUBBER casing that is VERY grippy and doesnt go around things too easy. I also rips the hair off your legs if youre wearing shorts and are not careful!! LOL! I ended up replacing it with the same guage cable, but with a smooth plastic casing that is much easier to work with...



Rick Gelinas

Re: Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines

November 21 2007, 11:22 AM 

Yep. The older style black cord was very "grippy" as you mentioned. The newer style cord on the current Cimex is yellow, carries the same amp rating, but it's a thinner cord. The Kodiak cord that we've come up with is a thicker cord than the current yellow cords, and it's much more flexible. It makes an excellent replacement cord (actualy it's a little nicer than either of the cords that originaly came on the Cimex).

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 21, 2007 11:26 AM

Current Topic - Super nice replacement cords for Cimex machines
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