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Hey Rambo!

November 21 2007 at 1:42 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

Got a question for the "Wise Man on the Hill". Gotta do a empty house with badly neglected off-white berber. I have done a lot of these but just curious if there is something I'm leavin out. First I'll tell you what I do.

1. pre-vac.

2. treat spots.

3. pre-spray with strong hot Punch and scrub with CRB.

4. fire up the Challenger and pad, pad, pad, pad, and pad.

Then of course you still have the good ol "greying" that is just there forever.

Tell me what you think. Of course the opinions of other cleaners is always welcome.

Happy Holidays!



Re: Hey Rambo!

November 21 2007, 4:16 PM 

I'm not Rambo,but I will chime in on this one.When I pad,I will first pad with a wet, but wrung out pad then go back over with a dry pad.Reason being;the wet pad's absorption rate is definitely brought down simply because the material can no longer hold as much liquid as compared to when dry,so it can then perform more in the agitate phase and then when you go back over with a dry pad, you are then extracting!

I guess you could get really anal-retentive about it and use a fiber plus pad before any of the cotton pads.Which of course would give you: agitate,rinse and dry passes!



Re: Hey Rambo!

November 21 2007, 6:06 PM 

Joe the order I would use is #1, #3, #2 and then #4. The brushes that you use on the CRB are key in a situation like this. We have some very aggressive brushes, Grey (we call them Berber Bombs) and if you e-mail me at I'll tell you where to get them. Also type of pads/bonnets you use are very important too. A lot of times we will scrub with the Maxi/Plus pads and the Cimex followed by bonnet or OP to extract. Sounds to me that poor maintenance of this carpet is going to hinder you from making it look good. I wish you the best Joe.

Current Topic - Hey Rambo!
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