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November 22 2007 at 8:27 AM
Phil R 

First, Happy TG day to everyone. I have been away for 14 days for training on another business.

I get home and have umpteen calls to return. One of which is tile cleaning.

Long story short: I might like to step into tile cleaning but want an idea first of what I need. Until then, can we clean trashed...old...nasty tile with OP? If so, how?

Do I need a high powered porty to do it right? Which one.

Rick Lord

Depends on Condition

November 22 2007, 10:26 AM 

Phil the equipment needs vary with the condition of the grout. I have done residential that came real clean very easily. But I have done some commercial where they have put different products on the floor and it took everything I had to get it clean enough to color seal it.
I would make sure to ask what has been put on the floor and then do a test with an acid cleaner. (if you want details on this drop me an email If you get a reaction you can clean it with a good alkaline cleaner t&g brushes on the cimex and a good grout brush on a pole
and rinse it a lot and suck it up with a good shop vac, RINSE WELL though.
There are several people who do t&g with mops, deck brushes, grout brushes and a shop vac. No big deal if you need to go into detail feel free to contact me but I say go for it. But find out how to do it first. Good Luck

Phil R


November 22 2007, 10:31 AM 

If you prefer, I will email you. BUT...please consider sharing a bit more here (details we might all use/need)for prosperity.

I would like to get into this but am under-educated.

This tile has been very neglected. I will take photos over the week-end and post.

Mark Hart

Re: Rick

November 22 2007, 10:49 AM 

It might be a good idea to clarify what kind of tile we're talking about.

Phil R

Re: Rick

November 22 2007, 10:59 AM 

I am in hopes the photos will do just that. They will be posted soon.

My current education prevents me from doing anything other than describing them as little, yellow, ugly floor tiles. similar to what one might see on a bathroom wall rather than the floor.

did I mention ugly?



Re: Rick

November 22 2007, 11:16 AM 

Test with a 50/50( water & product) ratio of both your alkaline cleaner and your acid cleaner.This way you can better determine what your results may be.You should always keep a stripping agent in you test kit because you never know what kind of garbage people are putting down on their floors.

Every once in awhile I still come across some older home that has mop-n-glow down...just blows my mind.

Joe M

Rick L

November 22 2007, 11:19 AM 

Rick, if you can share any more info on T&G cleaning, please do.

I have a 17" floor machine with brush and a Vento OP with tile brush,

All I need is a wet vac and your saying I can do this?

Phil R

Re: Rick L

November 22 2007, 11:55 AM 

What acid
What cleaner.

My point is/was..I know nothing about tile. Assume I am a beginner...because I am



Re: Rick L

November 22 2007, 12:31 PM 

This is a tile that is supposed to look like slate.
Equipment: Cimex w/ tile brushes
TM w/ turbo ..for rinse purpose
Product used; Harvard"s One Shot.It is a multi-surface product;tile and stone.Since using this product,I have not had to use a seperate acid product.

If you have a rotary machine then you do not need to use an OP unit only because the weight of a rotary is in your favor.As far as what the name of a specific brush,I have no clue. When I picked up my rotary unit eons ago,the salesman asked If I needed a hard surface brush and I said yes.

I believe Rick G. is planning a hard surface product soon,but there are many brands out there.

Mop product on or drop with rotary,cimex, agitate,mop or rinse off w/ porty,wet/vac or TM,dry mop miosture.. Sorry,gotta go TURKEY is calling!

Current Topic - Tile?
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