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That was weird...

November 22 2007 at 4:43 PM

Joe DeSouza 

Almost forgot to post this the other day - I was cleaning a resi job when an older gentleman (Neighbor) came over and asked what kind of extraction I used - told him HWE...Then He proceeded to tell me that if I used the system with the "little sponges", then he would have had me come over to quote his house, but since I don't, he's not interested!

Come to find out he used to manage a BIG facility in Jax and he said that it was the best system for carpets, it wouldn't resoil quickly and spots won't return. I told him about encap, but NO, if it isnt the "Little sponges" system, he doesnt want it.

I told him it was Host, but no, he said it was some other brand.

So, what are the advantages & disavantages of a Host system over HWE or encap?





November 22 2007, 7:58 PM 

Hey Guys,

I did that type of carpet cleaning when i started. There is a few companies that produce compound. i'ts a moist corn comb and saw dust mx. it's a simple proccess but very time consuming.  As well as costly. I broke it down to 7c sq ft cleaning cost. Remember I'm in Canada, to ship a 32# box is alot. best sqft hr would be 500sq ft hr.

500 sqft area exsample:

1: prespray if needed.

2: sprinkly compound out.

3: work in all directions.

4: click on the pickup drums and remove compound.

5: vac area+ corners, edges and your done.

so it's like cleaning 1000sqft really.

So your thinking just vac? i did that it would take many bags and they often become damp.

thats if you don't wait 15-30mins.

One box would go about 1,000 sqft of lightly soiled carpet.

It was good on cut pile, reason is the crb really.

Berber, well this is where it fell down. even with the prespray.

You can't use a fan because it will blow it all over the place.  Static was a problem.

I compound cleaned one room  (dirty), it came out good, i went back 10 months later and hwe. there was 4 two hand fulls of wet compound in my recovery tank, and on the bottom of my drimaster. i was shocked.

 I do have a few clients that want it, so i do it. i have 20boxes of this stuff in my basement.

So: there ya go, one persons thoughts.....

If any one is interested in buying some  i can swing them a good deal.

Your Freind








This message has been edited by steveroscoe on Nov 23, 2007 2:20 AM

Current Topic - That was weird...
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