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Customer Stolen!

November 22 2007 at 11:10 PM

I was cleaning a friend's carpet today,and they had aanother friend over. That friend saw me encapping with my rotory/175 with tank. She mentioned that she uses a guy that cleans her quarterly carpet the same way as i do it. Only difference is he spray's solution on the carpet first and then scrub. She spoke highly of this guy and the results she got.

I asked her who is this guy? She stated that he is a chem dry guy. She then left out for 30 min. She then came back and said i just want to see how the carpet looks. She then ask me for my phone number.

What kind of machine and chemicals do C-Dry use? And if they're results are so good why did she ask me to clean her carpet after seeing my results?

Your Servant Alex

The Time Left Is Reduced!!

This message has been edited by theservant on Nov 22, 2007 11:11 PM


Re: Customer Stolen!

November 23 2007, 12:46 AM 

hiyas Alex

some CD use HWE, some, VLM bonnet. it's not the method, but the operator that provides clean carpet.

i reckon if she was so thrilled with their services, she wouldn't want yours. she must not be so sold on them after all.

take care Bro --- Derek.


Re: Customer Stolen!

November 23 2007, 3:24 AM 


I'm innocent! I was only helping someone and all this came about. (LOL) I just recently learned that my cousin down south in ATL is actually doing the chemdry (owner/op) business. I'll have to give him a call and see what machine & solution they are using.(vlm)

Just would like to know so that when i run into a customers familiar with C/dry, i can poor cold water on they're thing.


Your Servant Alex

The Time Left Is Reduced!!


Re: Customer Stolen!

November 23 2007, 8:50 AM 

They use a "secret sauce" and real thick bonnet pads.
The juice is probably a degreaser.


Re: Customer Stolen!

November 23 2007, 11:26 AM 

from what's been posted on the Mikey's and ICS forums, the some do bonnet and the majority are nowadays using a HWE TM and their "own" RX-20 type of machine.

thanx --- Derek.

Joe Desmond

Re: Customer Stolen!

November 23 2007, 10:37 PM 

I did a customer who tried CD and SS. She complained they didn't get her carpet as clean as I did with the iCapsol and they were WET for 2 days.Cut pile Nylon. She called me last week wants me to do them again before Christmas. She has two dogs that track in a lot of dirt.

Current Topic - Customer Stolen!
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