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CMS question

November 25 2007 at 1:09 PM
Bill Youmans 

I have the CMS marketing program and I really like it. When sending to small offices its pretty easy to get it to the right people, but, when sending info to large office buildings, condos, etc., how can you find out who to send to, how to find the owners, managers and others who make the decisions on these matters. any help.

Bill Y


Re: CMS question

November 25 2007, 1:54 PM 

I use 2 ways to find go to person or atleast find a decision maker. First I try B.B.B. most of thime if the business is listed they will have a president listed and adrress. Another way is search on line for Chamber of Commerce again will have persons name listed. I haven't tried this but Dunn & Bradstreet should be another source. Not fool proof but place to start.


Rick Gelinas


November 25 2007, 4:29 PM 

I typically like to call larger "choice accounts" on the phone first. I introduce myself and ask to speak to the person that handles carpet cleaning. The gatekeeper will most likely roadblock you (expect that). Then ask the gatekeeper if you can send them something in the mail. The gatekeeper will generally say yeah sure. Now ask the million dollar question --- who to make it attention to. Most of the time, the gatekeeper will give you the person's name who is responsible for deciding on carpet care. COOL! You now have the decision makers name.

Send the decision maker an introductory marketing letter. The sales letter is simply used as a door opener to give you a way to follow up, by phone or in person. You're now able to follow up by calling on the decision maker, since you know who that person is and since you have made contact with that person by mail. When you call, you can now tell the gatekeeper that you need to speak with Mr Smith because you sent him some information about carpet cleaning. The gatekeeper assumes that you and Mr Smith are already working together on the carpet cleaning since you asked for him by name and since you already sent him information about carpet cleaning. Sneaky, sneaky

Once you get the decision maker on the phone, set up a time that you can demonstrate how your company can fix their problems. Focus on problem solving: such as fixing recurring spill stains, lowering their maintenance costs, improving their carpet's day-in day-out appearance, keeping the carpet clean longer between cleanings, fast drying so the carpets go back in service more quickly, your professional service approach top dealing with any problem that comes up, etc.

Dress appropriately. I wear Dockers, and a white oxford dress shirt with my logo embroidered above the pocket. I may also wear a tie, depending on the type of customer I'm pursuing. Ask to speak with the person that's responsible for the carpet cleaning. This may require making a few return visits. BE PERSISTENT, the effort pays off.

Once you get in front of the decision maker, take about 10 minutes to show them your Presentation Binder and get them excited about your service. The sharp looking presentation sets you apart from all the other carpet cleaners in your town. In fact this places you light years ahead of the competition.

Measure the account and work up your pricing. Perform a carpet inspection. Help them see areas where their carpet maintenance can be improved. Become their commercial carpet ally.

Do a demo. If possible, during your demo clean half of a spill stain using the Releasit Spill Stain Treatment technique... By cleaning half of a stain, they'll be able to see that the side you treated didn't come back. Guarantee they'll call you back.

Mail, E-Mail or Fax them a Proposal and a Contract. Follow up with a phone call.

And then follow up afterward. They may not be ready to make a carpet cleaning move at this particular point in time. So you may need to revisit them a few times. Hang in there though, because your future prosperity hangs on getting the account. Successful marketing REQUIRES a measure of commitment. Be willing to devote a designated portion of your weekly schedule to doing marketing work.

I hope these few suggestions will help you. These techniques have worked for me. If you'll put these pieces in place, you will be successful. How do I know that? Because this approach to marketing WORKS flawlessly for me, and I'm not any more special than anybody else. It will work for you too.

Rick Gelinas



November 25 2007, 6:54 PM 

WOW, like an epistle written to the Apostles, mighty good stuff that works. I know as I have been on both sides of the fence. The biggest deterrent for CCers to get more commercial work is a FTI (failure to implement)


Re: Planning

November 26 2007, 12:25 AM 

i go in person ~ everything else is a complete waste of my time.

time = $.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - CMS question
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