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CMX - 20 vs Cimex 19"

November 29 2007 at 2:38 PM

I have enough resources to invest in one of these machines, but I am unsure of which one would be the better investment (for commercial carpet cleaning). I currently use a noble 175 with a bonnet pad and a small extracting machine when needed. I am not pleased with the results either are producing for my clients (even though they seem pleased with the results).

As said before, I have the resources for one machine so I need to make sure I pick the correct machine. Any advise or help on this choice would be great!

Joe Desmond

Re: CMX - 20 vs Cimex 19"

November 29 2007, 3:18 PM 

The CMX-20 needs a portable with auto fill and dump and high inches of lift. If your using a "small extracting machine" It won't work. Those rotary type machines put down a lot of water. A truck mount is preferable for that type of machine. Unless your looking to spend several thousands of dollars for a portable with auto fill and dump and at least 2 three stage vacs. plus the CMX-20 I would forget it. If your doing Commercial work try the Cimex or an OP. and try Ricks juice if your not already using it. That's my opinion.



November 29 2007, 3:31 PM 

With all due respect, these are two entirely different machines.

The RX-20, (Rex), in my opinion, does a fantastic job of flushing the carpet and cleaning filthy trashed carpets.


There are various models, most of which need to be used in conjunction with a truck mount or powerful portable.

I have an ancient CMX-20, which was manufactured for those retailers that were not HydraMaster dealers many years ago.

Mine is the slow speed 90 rpm model with a power module that allows me to use it without connecting to another machine, simply attach to a faucet, connect power and run hose to a waste point.

I must admit that in about thirteen years, I have only used the power module about three times due to the high pitched noise factor.

The others run at 130 rpm and must be connected to an extraction machine.

I have never damaged a carpet in all the time I have owned it, although I have heard many stories of others ripping into loose seams etc;

That is the operators fault, not the machine.

On the other hand, the CIMEX, again in my opinion, coupled with the Releasit system, would have to be the best, all round money making machine available
on the market.

It has so many advantages over most systems out there, especially in the commercial market place.

It is quiet, reliable, super simple to use and gives remarkable results USED PROPERLY.

If I were in your shoes, I would purchase the CIMEX before any other machine on the market after I puchased a good vacuum cleaner.

Hope this helps.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Clunk

November 29 2007, 8:23 PM 

Thanks for the feedback!

Current Topic - CMX - 20 vs Cimex 19"
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS