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doodle bug pad holders

November 30 2007 at 1:18 PM
steve r  

im trying to find these and was wondering why you dont stock them. i would like to clean corners and edges with these. i would like to see these along with the fibre max pads to fit.
any help here?

p.s. thats what we called them when i was a custodian.



Doodle Bug

November 30 2007, 2:10 PM 

You can get doodle bugs at local hardware stores & Lowes & Home Depot. They are good for baseboard cleaning.

For cleaning carpets for corners and sides of walls you need this angle brush. I'm sure Rick has these.

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Re: doodle bug pad holders

November 30 2007, 2:33 PM 

Jon Don also sells doodle bugs

Mark Hart

Re: doodle bug pad holders

November 30 2007, 3:23 PM 

I may be presumptuous in answering for Rick as to why he doesn't stock things like Doodle Bugs. So, if I am please forgive me.

Rick fills a niche with what I call specialty products. There is limited space in his warehouse. Things like Doodle Bugs are sold by every janitorial supply house under the heavens. There is little point to stocking them for shipping elsewhere.


Rick Gelinas

Re: doodle bug pad holders

November 30 2007, 3:25 PM 

I will get some in. Thanks for the suggestion.

Rick Gelinas

steve r

Re: doodle bug pad holders

November 30 2007, 6:25 PM 

thanks rick
i plan on using them for the edges and corners around the whole room. my 15 in cimex just doesnt get close enough for me. i guess i will have to cut some pads to fit because i want to use the fiber plus max pads or maybe the just the fiber max ill have to check em both out.

i know i can get em else where but i just thought why call just for that if i could get it all in one call.i thought about the brush but just had something else in mind.

ive used the 8 in. pads to scrub stairs with by hand until i got the drill attachment. whew. i guese that got me thinking about the doodle bug. i think this could be a great way to get all those hard to reach spots without getting on my hands and knees.

steve r

Re: doodle bug pad holders

November 30 2007, 6:31 PM 

oh yeah, i looked at lowes and they didnt have them but i found a guy nearby that does. jon don wanted more for shipping than the cost of the doodlebug and i know, get it when i make another puchase but theyre not my regular a bane guy and now i am doing some encapping.


doodle don't

December 1 2007, 8:44 AM 

They don't work. As a master of strip and wax I too thought I would cut an encap pad and doodle the corners...It just does not work, the pad does not slide along the carpet. I ended up doing the corners bu hand that day. (A 13 story apartnemt building with hallways 6' x 200')

steve r

Re: doodle don't

December 1 2007, 9:02 AM 

so ken what do you use then. im getting tired of scrubbin by hand? does the brush rick has do a good enough job?im doing an 8000 sq ft library soon and want to make sure i get all the edges and corners good.
steve r


Rick Gelinas

Re: doodle don't

December 1 2007, 1:48 PM 


The edge brush works GREAT!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - doodle bug pad holders
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