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office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 4 2007 at 9:12 AM

do any of you do office panels and if so what do you charge and what methods - machine/chems/pads?



Re: office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 4 2007, 11:13 AM 

HWE just like sofas and chairs.
low PSI
$100.00 per.


Rick Gelinas

Re: office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 4 2007, 7:31 PM 

Carpeted and fabric covered wall partitions can be cleaned using the bonnet method with Releasit.

1. Get a window washing strip washer
2. Get an extension pole if you'll be doing tall walls
3. Mix up a bucket of Releasit

Dunk & wring out the strip washer in the bucket of Releasit. Mop the walls with the strip washer. Dunk & wring the strip washer frequently. Replace the water as it gets soiled.

Here's what an UNGER brand strip washer looks like. They're available from any good janitor supply house...

I have used this method to successfully clean tall sliding fabric walls that separate banquet rooms. This process worked very well for me and it was easy to do.

As far as pricing goes, you can figure that according to your own business needs. A 5' x 5' partition can be cleaned in about 10 minutes.

Rick Gelinas


cubicle panels

December 5 2007, 1:17 PM 

Another way I've used that is a variation. Is with a doodle bug pad holder(pole and hand) fited with Turan pads. Got the Turan pads thru Hesco. They are a single side of a bonnet(similiar to the Thin One) that are made to fit a doodle bug holder. Like I said use the pole and hand type units for the jobs. Use encap solution, and frequently rinse out Turan pad. Also works pretty well on upholstery, stairs, and along walls. Having surfaces and pad adequately "lubricated" with cleaning solution seems to be the biggest key to being succesful with this. Have also tried Marino microfiber pads that are the size for doodle bug holders but really think the Turan pads work better. Basically a variation of the strip washer method.
I've also used the CFR tool for panels, etc. around 8 to 10 inces wide when doing HWE and it works really nice. The size of the tool, and the way the jet is with that tool works real well for cubicles, etc. but it is pricey.
Best of luck,


Re: office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 5 2007, 3:25 PM 


After you use the strip washer do you do anything else, wipe down etc?

Brad Lewis
Surface Solutions Inc


Rick Gelinas

Re: office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 5 2007, 6:02 PM 

Brad that's all there is to it. It's kind of like "manual bonnet cleaning". Simple as pie.

Rick Gelinas

Jeremy Wood

Re: office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 6 2007, 12:24 AM 

Hey Rick,

Is it recommended that a prevac be done for the dust? How wet do you go?




Rick Gelinas

Re: office cubical panel pricing & methods

December 6 2007, 6:18 AM 

Jeremy, when I have done this I haven't pre-vacuumed, but you could; - pre-vacuuming is always a good idea. Keep your moisture to a minimum. Wring out the strip washer before you apply it to the fabric surface.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - office cubical panel pricing & methods
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