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Phone Answering

December 8 2007 at 8:43 AM

Joe DeSouza  

How do you answer your phone? My wife does it right now, but she's probably going to find a full time job so I'm stuck answering it myself...The thing is, is that i'm an owner / operator, so how do you guys in the same boat as i'm in do it? There was one day I had to clean & answer the phone - it was miserable! Got interupted too many times while cleaning...

Thanks for the help...



Re: Phone Answering

December 8 2007, 12:25 PM 

First off Joe, be thankful your phone is ringing that much. I am a believer in a warm female voice answering the phones. Maybe sombody in your family, like a aunt, grandmother or a stay at home neighbor. We have had a live person answering our phone for 21 years. You don't have to tell your customer who it is unless they ask. I get a lot of compliments about how our phones are handled. I often hear That girl you have answering you phones is so nice, how long has she been with your company. I always say "21 years, and thanks for the compliment" Keep it on a professional level.



Phone Answering

December 8 2007, 4:11 PM 

Hello, HH Carpet Cleaners, how may I hekp you?


Thank You for calling HH Carpet Cleaners, how may I help you?


Del Scrivner


December 8 2007, 8:20 PM 

A little trick here, replace the word calling with "Choosing".

1)  They did make a choice to call you.

2)  It sets the stage for them to "Choose" you again- for them to have valuable carpet care and you to make money.

When I was a Supervisor at AOL we had surveys and studies that showed dramatic increases in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty with small techniques like that.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

steve r

Re: Charles

December 8 2007, 10:00 PM 

Del, thats a great tip. there are so many little things like that we can do to help ourselves.


Re: Charles

December 9 2007, 11:19 AM 

I try to answer every call, however, thank God for call display as there are some after hour [10.00pm] calls I allow to go to my message system.


Re: Phone Answering

December 10 2007, 10:19 AM 

Dont let them know you are the owner when you answer, i get tons of solicitations, maybe 4 or 5 a day...always want the owner. I pretend to be the secretary and screen them out. I believe it would be valuable to have some one answer the phone live instead of a machine. I get a lot of "hang ups" on my voicemail.

Case in point: I called an oil company the other day to bring oil to my new place. An answering machine picked up and I called the next guy. Thats when I realized that people calling me probably do the same exact thing.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Phone Answering

December 12 2007, 6:33 PM 

Either me or my dad answer the phone 24/7. We have done it that way for 7 years. Our office phone rings to my cell phone and if I miss it, then my cell phone rings to my dad's.

One day I will be able to get a secretary, I hope.

Current Topic - Phone Answering
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