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Candle Wax

December 9 2007 at 1:13 PM
scott summerlin 

What is the best way to get candle wax out of (cut pile)carpet? Thanks for the info. Scott


Re: Candle Wax

December 9 2007, 1:45 PM 

Hi Scott,

I will usually scrape out what I can with a bone scraper or a butter knife. Then I would use a iron set low and a damp white towel and steam out the rest. But sometimes you will find that some color will remain. A red dye remover will normally take care of that in most cases. There are several kinds of wax on the market. some will respond better than other. Then you have to know what the customer may have alrady done to try and remove.



Re: Candle Wax

December 9 2007, 5:37 PM 

I had a customer call me for a month to come clean their spa salon for facials. They keep a nice cozy invironment with candles ect.

Finally i called on them. I found candle wax that was dirty so it must have been there awhile. walked on ect.

I used a freeze spray first scraped with butter knife. Then I pour Encapp Spot on each residue left there agitated until gone. I then cleaned as normal with my ole Vento Punch.

I could never tell it was there. (Cut pile)

Your Servant Alex

The Time Left Is Reduced!!

Current Topic - Candle Wax
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