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library cleaned

December 12 2007 at 1:53 PM
steve r 

dropped off bill today i was told they have got numerous compliments on how good it looks. they are giving my name and number out to all who ask.
i used a 20 in rotary fiberplus max pads and releasit. i used the doodle bug around all the edges and corners and it worked like i thought it would which is good. i could get under and between desks and things like that with it. i used a mop bucket on wheels with the releasit mixed in it.that way i could roll it around using the doodle bug handle to push it.

just thought id share with everyone.



December 12 2007, 2:37 PM 

Hey Congrats.
Now get a Cimex


Re: cool

December 12 2007, 4:00 PM 

Great process for library carpets!

Joe M

A roto

December 13 2007, 8:13 AM 

A roto machine well do just swell on comm carpet using a fp pad. I have a 17" roto with tank and it does a great job.

Pre spray with hot punch and run hot releasit through the tank.

I only do small com jobs at the moment. I have had quite a few cimex in the past and there are times when the are just to bulky to move around.

A 17" or 20" will give your arms a work out though.

Jeremy Wood

Re: library cleaned

December 12 2007, 5:26 PM 

What's a doodle bug?

What speed did you run at with the rotary?



Kevin Pearson

Re: library cleaned

December 12 2007, 6:28 PM 

I'm with Jeremy. What's a doodlebug?


Re: library cleaned

December 12 2007, 6:34 PM 

A doodlebug is a mop handle with a rectangular pad holder on a swivel at the end. It's most commonly used to agitate stripper around edges/behind toilets etc when stripping VCT.

To use it for carpets, I'd imagine that you would use a white pad. Not a bad idea. I'll have to try it on my next commercial job.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Re: library cleaned

December 12 2007, 6:37 PM 

i prefer the stand-up brush Rick sells, to the doodlebug. i rarely use either tho.

thanx --- Derek.

Bill Youmans

Re: library cleaned

December 12 2007, 8:34 PM 

I use my doodlbug all the time (with a white pad), I like it on stairs, gets right in the corners, and like Steve, get it in a bucket of solution and walk around and scrub some of the bad spots.

By the way, congrats on the library job, how'd you get it. Aproach them directly?

Bill Y



December 12 2007, 9:14 PM 

Congrats on the library job. Check out the Turan pads sold by Hesco. Same size as doodle bug pads, however but made out of turan yarn(like a Thin one bonnet) works real well, might last longer than doodle bug floor pads. Has anyone tried the hand spotting mop and pole sold by Argosheen and/or Hillyard's(Hillyard's calls them a Deep Action mop)? They seem to be a bit less flexible, in case one needs the handle/head to not move around so much. Seems like it would be effective for DS and/or Punch. Nice to find tools that allow one to address hard to reach areas or when one doesn't want to get out a machine.

steve r

Re: Congrats

December 12 2007, 10:31 PM 

lets see if i can remember all this.

i used a 175 20 in.

i have a 15 in. cimex that is well used and i was concerned about the size of the job.

they contacted me again this year. last year i bid a lot higher and never heard from them but then i only had the bane.

my bid was still higher than their regular cleaner who is hwe.
i asked to do a demo and got approval from the board. those spots stayed clean until i cleaned it all sunday.

i used a 8 in. fiberplus max cut to fit,ill have to try some of these other pads though.

im still tired from that job, lol.

i think i got more than double the other guy also. maybe i am a salesman after all.

This message has been edited by 19909090 on Dec 12, 2007 10:34 PM




December 13 2007, 7:42 AM 

Just screw in broom handle. Scrub pads stick to bottom for scrubbing floors & baseboards.

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS