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Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 13 2007 at 3:39 AM

I do a lot of empty residential houses and condominimums (whatever) units, flats, apartments, whatever takes your fancy.

Some new ones coming on line next February are four storeys high, all walk-ups, no elevators, (lifts).

Would the 15" or 20" Steamin Demon be practical for cleaning of these??

The houses are generally four rooms on the ground floor, whilst the units are only usually two bedrooms.

I'm trying to phase out my truck mount and hoping the Steamin Demon would be a practical replacement.

I value any practical comments on this.



PS ::: I'm also looking at the conservation side of this.

Conserving my pennies and using the clients electricity instead of my gas for a truck mount

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 13 2007, 6:07 AM 

Yep it will work nicely in that setting.

I recall speaking with a highly successful carpet cleaner in Sarasota Florida who built up a nice business doing HIGH END residential on the Gulf Coast using a 15" Cimex and a 15" Steamin Demon. His company services a lot of condos, and million dollar plus homes along the Gulf of Mexico. He would pre-scrub with the Cimex and then rinse with the SD. In the gated communities he was serving, the idea of a noisy truck-mount running in the parking lot and running hoses into the units was out of the question. He was able to build a nice business with those two machines serving this exclusive customer base niche.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 13 2007, 8:06 AM 

It is a good alternative to a truckmount, however, it does not replace a truckmount. We often run into empty units when the water or power is shut off. Time is money and a TM saves time.

David VB

Re: Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 13 2007, 10:36 AM 

We tried going that route 3 years ago. Being used to the mobility of a wand, it was hard to make the change. It's not too bad in a large room or an empty room. It was a real pain in bedrooms, etc.

Another thing I didn't like was we had some homes where the water pressure was low. The machine depends on high flow and it wasn't always there. That's not likely in most commercdial settings.

Its the only type of portable we ever used in a house and we found it caused really high humidity (steam all over windows etc.) Since the exhaust is directly under you, you are immersed in humid exhaust with who knows what else is in those vapors.

There are always issues with any system and I suppose others have figured out how to work around these. I stuck with the TM, however I too am again looking for ways to eliminate it. Going all commercial is looking better all the time.


Re: Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 13 2007, 1:17 PM 

I'm unable to offer you any personal experience with this as I have only demo'd a Demon; however, from what I saw that night, and from what I see on a daily basis using my HWE equipment and OP equipment, I can see a way it might work out for you.

Seems to me that a Demon with a Greenglide would work fine for you in the empty rooms, or large rooms with furniture. I would think that the only problem would be in bed rooms with furniture. In those environments, OP usually is all that's needed anyway, as the soiling is usually not so bad as it is in the Den and Living Room. I'd probably OP the Bed Rooms and under any furniture they might need moved, and Demon the open areas.

That's basically what I do now with my TM.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 13 2007, 9:45 PM 

Well, now for someone has actually used a Steamon Demon - unlike some of these theorizing internet gurus......

I would consider how many of these units have power and hot water. Some places, like offices have very small hot water tanks.

I would not even consider carrying a Cimex up 3 floors let alone 4 floors. It will be awkward but possible to carry the Demon up 4 floors and you will probably need 3 trips each way.

Working around furniture with a Demon is a PITA but its great in large open areas.

Not that I'd ever be keen on 4th floor anythings but if I had to I for an OP type of machine.

David Hebert

Re: Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........

December 14 2007, 12:37 PM 

I used the SD Classic in commercial and residential setting
long before I got a TM, so my views are different from those going the opposite way.

I have little problems maneuvering the Demon around most things and if there is a problem I just move it, furniture glides make this easy. Anything I cannot go around easily I will use a wand in that area.

Since the beginning I have always presprayed, scrubbed with CBM or rotary then extracted.

The XL models are more difficult to maneuver in a home setting.

Current Topic - Steeeeeeamin Deeeeeeeeeeemon aaaaagain.........
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