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Old English on CGD

December 14 2007 at 2:14 PM
Brad Lewis 

Just had a customer call they have brand new CGD in a space that is to be turned over on Monday, and one of the contractors spilled old english on the carpet over about a 13 foot area, they also had some tracking. The spill was yesterday (thurs) and they tried to clean it up with dish soap and water, said it looked ok last night but not so good today.
Customer wants me in tomorrow to clean up. Any suggestions would be great.


Brad Lewis
Surface Solutions Inc


Rick Gelinas

Re: Old English on CGD

December 14 2007, 11:59 PM 

Is it nylon or olefin?

I have not attempted to clean Old English. But I would assume that Encap-Spot followed by Encap-Punch and then a cleaning with Encap-Clean would likely make a pretty good dent in the stain. But keep in mind, you're dealing with brown dye and it is INTENDED to stain. And if the carpet is nylon (especially) it may not all come out. So be sure to under promise!!! The carpet may very likely be toast. You could also try using peroxide after you've attempted to get up as much as possible with the products listed above.

I wish you success.

Rick Gelinas


No,No, No,.......

December 15 2007, 2:32 AM 

Rick. He meant Old English 800 malt liquor.

Your Servant Alex

The Time Left Is Reduced!!

Phil R

Re: No,No, No,.......

December 15 2007, 7:41 AM 

As the English tend to not like the Scotch, send it some Old Scotch. chances are high the english will leave. There might be a fight first....

Now, send in the irish to drink the 'scotch. To get the irish out, drop a silver coin out front.

NOTE* I am Scottish and allowed to poke fun at my Folks.


Re: No,No, No,.......

December 15 2007, 11:50 AM 

But are you Irish? I am half, and I believe putting more liquor out side instead of a silver coin would be more effective

Phil R

Re: No,No, No,.......

December 15 2007, 6:14 PM 

I stand corrected.

and I mean only good spirited humor to my friends of irish, english or homeland; scottish origin.

(pun intended)

during my work as comedy magician aboard every major cruise line world-wide, my best friends were from across the pond. Not a better group of guys to work, run and play with....ever.



December 17 2007, 6:33 PM 

When I got there the trail of stain was about 25 feet long on medium dark CGD. I tried spot on a towel and there was very little transfer, so I sprayed the trail heavy with spot and went over it with the windsor then with a bonnet, got lots of transfer then. Then punched it and hit it with DS. Looked good at that point put was still a little damp, hard to tell on dark carpet. Contractor called this morning and said it looked great. Saved him a bunch of money and looked like a hero. He is only going to call me from now on.(that makes a monday start off great!!!!)

Just thought I'd pass it along, Gotta love those Releasit products


Brad Lewis
Surface Solutions Inc


Rick Gelinas


December 17 2007, 10:20 PM 

I am happy to hear that it worked.

Thanks for getting back with us.

And I'm glad to hear you're their new hero.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Old English on CGD
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