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PLEASE, tell me what you really think.

December 18 2007 at 6:18 AM

I have had this annoying little problem since I got "Big Yella".

It's not major, just flaming annoying.

Occassionaly, when I am doing certain commercial work with fixtures protruding away from the wall, or even in some residentials where they have slightly higher than normal skirting boards is when I come to grief.

The upper disc on "Big Yella" is painted blue.

Invariably, the skirtings are painted white.

So, every so often, I leave traces of blue on the white paint.

To help stop this problem, I intend to paint the blue disc, in a WHITE GLOSS.

At least then, if any paint does come off, it will be a close matching colo(u)r.

What do you think ??

Has anyone else done something similar ??



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Kevin Pearson

Re: PLEASE, tell me what you really think.

December 18 2007, 7:30 AM 

I haven't painted mine, but I have had the same annoying problem.


Joe DeSouza

Re: PLEASE, tell me what you really think.

December 18 2007, 8:20 AM 

I was actually thinking about REMOVING the paint altogether, exposing the aluminum...most of the paint on the platen is chipped off anyways...



Where is the blue? Where is the Inner Tube?

December 18 2007, 8:24 AM 

LOL, We have rubbed so many baseboards over the years, ours are all white (from the baseboards) so there is no need to paint them. I do admit, like Shorty, it is annoying. The best solution I have found is to take a inner tube from a bike or small tire, cut a section out and stretch it over the edge of the blue deck. If you turn it inside out, most are near white on the inside. One inner tube(you will have to find one that makes for a snug fit) will last you for a year if you stretch a new one on every two weeks. Rick is an old bike man, maybe he can help.


Re: Where is the blue? Where is the Inner Tube?

December 18 2007, 8:37 AM 

Why not wrap white duct tape over it, or get the liquid rubber for dipping tools in and paint it on, this might give a little extra protection from scuffing baseboards.

Mark Hart

Re: Where is the blue? Where is the Inner Tube?

December 18 2007, 1:49 PM 

I was thinking of blue painters tape around the deck.

Current Topic - PLEASE, tell me what you really think.
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