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Windsor Icapsol question

December 21 2007 at 4:55 PM

A few questions about the Icapsol: First, I lost my manual and paper work that went with it. Is there an online site I can download it from?

Second, I love the machine, but was wondering about brushes that may be a bit more agressive...

Also I havent heard or seen much about the Icapsol on this board or the site for a bit since it was introduced...any complaints from folks that have used it? I seem to be enjoying it so far...


Del Scrivner

Re: Windsor Icapsol question

December 21 2007, 5:53 PM 

You won't see Rick advertising it and showcasing it on the site as Windsor also has many physical retail outlets- janitorial supply houses and such that is does not want to burn bridges with so it limits the internet advertisement and activity.

I do not have a Windsor.  I have a Sprint.  The only downside I have heard is that on SOME carpeting it hops around- so does my Sprint.  On the Sprint you can adjust the brush height higher to reduce this some.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


iCapsol service manual

December 22 2007, 1:43 PM 

There is a service manual at this website that you can download:

I have one and I love it!!!

Pasquantonio Carpet Care

Grant D

Re: iCapsol service manual

December 22 2007, 5:24 PM 

Are you guys who love you iCapsol's using them for standalone encap work on commercial?

I used mine on a large commercial job this week and wasn't really impressed at all. 3 slow passes with the icapsol did not give the appearance of one pass with an OP machine with pad. I suspect that stiffer brushes would make a big difference, but until then I suppose I'm not seeing much use for mine.


Re: iCapsol service manual

December 22 2007, 6:36 PM 

Thanks for the info guys...i use my to prescrub detergent into resi carpet, just curious if there were stiffer brushes, seems it would take spots out easier if it did...

Denny Keil

Re: iCapsol service manual

December 22 2007, 9:18 PM 

Windsor now makes a stiffer and softer brush for their Icapsol.

Grant D


December 23 2007, 11:51 AM 

Do you have a link re. the other brush options? I hope you're right.

Denny Keil

Re: Brushes

December 23 2007, 2:54 PM 

Windsor Icapsol part list now has:
86214850 standard brush
86298220 grout brush
86297740 wool brush
Excellent supply can order them for you.

Grant D


December 23 2007, 5:17 PM 

Sweet. Thanks Denny.

Does anybody use their icapsol to scrub grout? Due to the metal bars on the bottom I figured it could scrape/scratch the tiles so I haven't. Since the new brushes are called grout brushes maybe I'm wrong?

Mark Hart

Re: Sweet!!!

December 23 2007, 6:23 PM 

Rick will be able to get anything you need.


thumbs down

December 23 2007, 9:50 PM 

the whole deal sounds like a bad investment.



December 23 2007, 9:53 PM 

Ken, I am curious why it sounds like a bad deal. Maybe I have overlooked something about the machine.

Rick, If you read this post, could you comment on the other brushes? I would like to order them but would like to know your take on the situation first!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Why

December 24 2007, 5:53 PM 


The alternative brushes are new - so I don't have ay first hand experience with them yet. But I would think that the stiffer brushes may do a good job on tougher CGD carpet such as olefin loop. As mentioned above, I can et anything in the Windsor line.

BTW We will be running a good sale on the Windsor after the first of the year. So call us if you're interested in one.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Windsor Icapsol question
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