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A quote:

December 22 2007 at 11:48 PM


"No man who,for his good fortune,has at times in his life endured toil and hardship, ever fails to appreciate the strong elemental pleasures of rest after labor,food after hunger,warmth and shelter after bitter cold."

Just one of the many great statements, from one of the greatest U.S. citizens our country has ever witnessed.



The Pres; ?

December 22 2007, 11:53 PM 

Theodore Roosevelt ?

Not sure of the spelling, but he put out some mighty written words in spite of his misgivings.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.



Re: The Pres; ?

December 23 2007, 12:12 AM amaze me.I couldn't give you one name of a past "Aussie" leader. I thought that maybe somebody might guess by the morning....Are you sure you didn't Google this? ;0)

BTW,it was taken from his book combo: Hunting Trips of a Ranchman & The Wilderness Hunter.It is a great look at a long since past, part of history and a true naturalist.

This message has been edited by patrickmatte on Dec 23, 2007 12:17 AM


Long term memory

December 23 2007, 4:17 AM 

My short term memory is ratschitte lately.

However, things that I have heard or read, or events that I have seen years ago, possibly even on newsreels at the movies, come back to me.

Theodore S Roosevelt was an amazing President, overcoming I think polio, (well, not really overcoming it), and attending events in such a way that not a lot of the American public realised that he had a problem.

This was due mainly to his helpers that arranged how his speeches were to be made, in as much as standing/sitting arrangements for him, which were usually hidden form the public's view.

I also remember reading paragraphs of his many years ago, and when I hear a portion of that paragraph, I instantly remember it, or portions of it, or I can link it to him.

If memory serves me well, I think he gave up the Presidency just after America entered the second world war??

A great man with immense vision, but something keeps niggling me that he was a wife beater.

Not wanting to denigrate this great man in any way, just trying to put the pieces together again.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.



Re: Long term memory

December 23 2007, 9:12 AM 

The polio was a cousin,Franklin D. Roosevelt.As for the speeches,go check out; Theodore Rex,(part two of a biography by Edmond Morris) it goes into great detail about his presidency.

Actually,the first volume goes into his childhood and shows from a very early age that T.R. found reading due to his childhood illness,allergies,for all intense purposes. His asthma was inflamed and or a direct cause from allergies. Also,one would conclude that from descriptions,that his childhood homes were infected with mold.

Later,T.R. would spend countless hours writing and re-writing his speeches to makes sure that they were up to his high standards.

The spouse abuse is something I never had any inclination of,I'll to check into that.

You are right in that he regretted telling the American people that at the end of his term he would not seek re-election,a decision he gave his word to.

Volume 1; The rise of Theodore Roosevelt
Volume 2; Theodore Rex

Both by Edmond Morris.

Check these out,great reads... if you're into it!

Merry Christmas!



December 23 2007, 5:14 PM 

During the last year, there was a documentary on TR, that is probably where I got a lot of the above.

I think now that HE was not a wife beater, but actually got some womens movement going.

I think he also had something to do with getting J Edgar Hoover into the FBI, but not really clear on that, (I mean into the top job there)??

History has always been a subject that I enjoy, whether it be people or countries.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

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