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glider for stemon demon

December 27 2007 at 5:29 PM
Bill Youmans 

just wondering, what is it about a glider for the demon that makes drying times faster?

Bill Y


Re: glider for stemon demon

December 27 2007, 5:57 PM 

Two things:

1) The glide forces the air to flow through holes instead of a slot. This increase in velocity creates a much better extraction environment.

2) The ease of use created by the glide allows the operator to do drying passes he wouldn't ordinarily do.


Re: glider for stemon demon

December 27 2007, 10:24 PM 

and also, since there is an increase in water recovery, you are left with drier and cleaner carpet.

thanx --- Derek.



December 27 2007, 10:34 PM 

Before I got my glider. I would stare at my "Quiet Storm" for minutes at a time. Turning it on and off, trying to feel the air flow and suction down at the bottom where the brush roll is. Then I'd take the wand out and feel the air flow at the wand, then I'd attach the crevice tool and feel what seemed like an increase of air flow/suction with that on. It seemed that by further restricting the air flow it increased it. So I thought to myself if it works like that on my "QS" wouldn't it be similiar with the vacuum "shoe" on my SD? I just be restricting the air flow in to a number of little holes? It seemed like it would work to me. Sure does move a lot easier, making additional passes more palatable. However I do think it might "suck" a bit better. I also think my filter bags seem to last a little longer.


Re: glider

December 28 2007, 5:02 PM 

definately shortens dry time.
A big plus is with a glide you can push the Deamon.
Before the glide I couldn't push - only pull.

Current Topic - glider for stemon demon
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