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Do you Skype ???

December 31 2007 at 10:03 PM

Do you Skype ??

It is one easy way to cut your long distance or overseas phone calls to zero dollars.

Although I haven't read it in full, this appears to be a very good way to go for business calls.

I know of at least five Australian businesses that have taken advantage of Skype for their calls and save heaps.

At home, Delia phones the Phillipines every day and talks to family and friends using Skype.

We now save a couple of hundred dollars a month just in this area.

Skype is a free program, downloaded from the 'net.

All I needed was an i'net; camera with built in mike, plus my speakers and I was set.

Cost me about $100.00 Australian.

Hope this is of some help to someone.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Do you Skype ???

January 1 2008, 8:25 AM 

Thanks to Skype (my son's) I can talk to friends all over the world like Shorty and my other friend in Coominya QLD, Australia. I just love the sound of Coo-min-ya, it almost sounds Southern.


Re: Do you Skype ???

January 1 2008, 5:12 PM 

I've got an easier way to deal with phone charges.

I figure if you want to talk to me, you can pay for it yourself.

Otherwise, we can just type at each other.


Re: Do you Skype ???

January 2 2008, 1:09 PM 

sounds like an older free program on the net: Roger Wilco.

i used to talk to guys all over the globe. then came teamspeak. you can even talk in real time, tho not that good of quality, with MSN messenger.

thanx for the heads up on Skype.

--- Derek.

Current Topic - Do you Skype ???
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