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2008 Biz

January 1 2008 at 8:44 AM

I am planning for a better year in 2008 (which I didn't do in 2007) and our business was off. I could blame the down turn in the Real Estate mkt. but it was really my fault. I did not call on one business all year (for new business) I did not send out one postcard to attract any new business. I did put up a web site, but hardly any new business from that. This year; New Web site, new truck lettering, new equipment, call on three businesses every week, contact all exsisting customers in our data base every 60 days by four color postcard ( I wish Bill Yeadon would hurry up with the My Easy Marketing program) adding new services, laminate floor refurbishing, tile and grout cleaning and drapery cleaning. What are ya'll going to do different this year, or is it going to be "same ol, same ol"?______________________________P.S. I am going to be kinder to Marty this year, Yeh, Right!

Mike Hogan

Re: 2008 Biz

January 1 2008, 11:39 AM 

I also hope 2008 is better than '07.

This time last year our 20 year old daughter was
prepping for surgery at Sloan-Kettering in NY to
have a brain tumor removed.To say the stress was
intolerable is putting it mildly.

Thank God everything has turned out well.
She is on seizure medication and is feeling well.

All of the stress took its toll,my mind not being on
business. On top of it,we had to pledge to pay for the
surgery and all other costs,as the insurance co. has
tried to say it was pre-existing.We have an advocate that
is working for us.....

We are hitting commercial VERY HARD. Besides my visits to agents for water damage work,I visit 75 medical/dental offices a week. We also have our office manager call
100 commercial establishments a week,getting the name of
the decision maker,sending info and phone with a followup
call........between these 2 ideas,I feel confident in
adding work.

Our residential biz is very solid.......we do need to go after more of it,as we are nowhere near the market share we should have........we are targeting higher end homes,value added service,and a more aggressive referral program.

Since we are in upstate NY,we are in water damage season
for the next couple months,which should help.

I would like to Thank Rick,Derek,Steve Toburen and Chuck
Violand for some great ideas and the words of encouragement
through these trying times. With the grace of God 2008
will be a better one.


Re: 2008 Biz

January 1 2008, 12:41 PM 

Mike - Glad your daughter is better, nothing worse than your child having problems.
My 2008 keep building my commercial got a couple nice accounts in 2007 and hammered at more just could not get them or they simply did not want to pay much. My goal is to be 80% commercial and 20% residential. In 2007 thanks to the Cimex and Hos machines I was ablt to make a profit on commercial, hours are different but more relaxed cleaning. I do like my residential clients but with the economy need larger jobs Michigan like most states is tight right now. No new equipment this year, now if I can stay on that. LOL


Gunna or Didda ??

January 1 2008, 3:48 PM 

I feel for those with families that have health problems, been there, still in that situation, hope that all goes well with you all much better this year than the last ones.

I'm not going to say I'm gunna do this or gunna do that THIS YEAR.

Next year I'm going to say, I DID THAT last year and be content.

What I WILL do this year, is drop most of my heavy work load in WDR & FDR, scaling back down if you like.

I DO intend to sharpen my skills in other areas that most cc'ers don't touch.

This includes carpet repairs and carpet spot dye.

I also intend to upgrade my upholstery cleaning skills, mainly on the exotics and designer fabrics.

I DO intend to learn more about solving problems with rugs, especially silk .

I am happy enough with my leather techniques for both furniture & clothing now. I have realized my limitations and how far my local council will allow me to go, working from home.

Over the last 3 years, I have been scaling down from using large type machinery that enabled me to work easier on carpet and upholstery, to going to jobs that require more patience and technique with less large, expensive equipment that costs a lot to maintain & run.

I'm also going to pursue a different market place for my work, and commercial work will form a large portion of this.

I also intend to cut at least one day per week from my work and spend more time with my family and with those that matter more than money.

I would also like to thank people like Steve Poulos, Tony Wheelwright, Lonnie McDonald, Rick Gelinas, Gary Heacock, Ray Moody, Ron Toney, Steve Andrew (very recently), and many others that form part of this & other forums, for at last helping me to "see the light"

I hope that each and everyone of you fulfill your dreams for this coming year.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Gunna or Didda ??

January 1 2008, 5:10 PM 

I hope your daughter does well in the coming years. There may be hope in sight. My oldest is slowly coming off anti-seizure medications that she has been on since age 14. So far, so good. No seizures.

Time will tell.

I'm with Ray on both counts. I hope Yeadon gets off his lazy butt with that program soon, and I too plan to be nicer to Marty this year.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Gunna or Didda ??

January 2 2008, 8:32 AM 

I'm sorry to hear about that Mike - it really helps one to focus on what is really important in life.

Thank-you Shorty for the kind words - you'll be happy to know that Steve Andrews and I will be working together on creating a new "smoke and mirrors" class this January/Febuary - it should be available on DVD ( but far too expensive for Marty ) but I'd much rather bring it to Oz in person. It will focus on providing unique, specialty services that you can do even when old, decrepit or have limp wrists like Marty......
In March/April I hope to hook up with John Bolton in UK and pick his brain on old, decrepit and very expensive fabrics.

And as for Marty - not bloody likely........

All the best in the New Year to the lot of you.


Re: Gunna or Didda ??

January 2 2008, 1:22 PM 

Mike, sorry to hear you & your fam went through such a difficult time, but i'm relieved to learn you all made it through together Glad i could return the favor and help you out a little with some ideas...the least i could do for your help to me in the past. driving through Binghamton on my way home yesterday, i thought of you. how far are you from there?

this year i have the same plan as last, to continue to hit the pavement and bring in more commercial clients. if i could never do a resi job again i'd be happy, but i have a hard time turning them down is money. raising resi prices to 50-75¢ helps keep the resi clients to a minimum.

many thanks to all the contributers on this great forum

regards --- Derek.


Harry Hides under Smoke Mirrors

January 2 2008, 4:39 PM 

Tony, re; this bit:

"but I'd much rather bring it to Oz in person."

You'll be pleased to know that there is an Expo being held on the cold ghost, err; Gold Coast this April.

An excellent time to thaw out after a chilly winter in the frozen tundra where you normally hang out

Apart from myself, other notables that will attend include:

Rick Gelinas

Steve Toburen

Steve (Dusty) Roberts

Along with a few others

I don't think Marty is going down anymore.

I doubt that either Sir Richard Branson nor Joe Polish, are going to make a televised appearance.

You, my friend are cordially invited along to this shindig, (at your own expense of course) & I will even shout you lunch each day @ Harry's FAMOUS cafe de wheels. (But you gotta find your way there also).



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - 2008 Biz
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