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Expensive head board

January 1 2008 at 8:56 PM
Phil R 

A friend for whom i clean windows knows I do carpets. He calls to tell me about a stain on his head board. He goes to bed right after a shower, complete with wet hair and some sort of hair gel.

It is not really my business why...

He has a light (very) brown head board made of a fabric I can only describe as expensive looking...only a circle of about 5-6" diameter of dark. Not brown nor black nor gray...but gross. Right where ones head would hit on the lie down. Head shaped.

Now I am not a real expert on head stains nor head boards nor hair gel...but I am the kinda guy who wants to do a good job.

Punch 50/50 water lightly misted....brand new cotton pad damp and my OP DeWalt machine. And a dance I just invented called the voodoo heard-board OCCD dance. (and my lucky underwear)

Yesterday when I left ...this magic fabric was worse looking. wet. dark (not brown nor black...but gross) looked even worse if that is possible.

I was afraid to call as my pay was based on his approval. Finally...curiosity consumed me. :

Ring ring...


"How does your head board look?"

"GREAT!" "AWESOME!" "Stain is gone"

(sound of MY phone hitting floor)

I have no plans on getting into the stained heard board cleaning business....but if YOU ever run into one....Ricks stuff will do that as well.

Is there an icon for some yellow faced guy tossing his lunch?

$185.00 total should send me a button....and put another line on the Punch Bottle

"For nasty, stupid stains no one knows what to call dilute 50/50, do the Voodoo Dance and wear lucky undies."

This stuff brings back the dead.

Grant D

Re: Expensive head board

January 1 2008, 10:51 PM 

Interesting story Phil.

That brings up a question about encapsulation I often wonder to myself. I always assume that if carpet (or upholstery or whatever) still looks dirty that it will look that way when dry... but maybe that isn't the case with encap some/much of the time?

Is it common to scrub/encap dirty areas and have them look just a little better at the time, only to have them look MUCH better after several days and a vacuum or two have occurred?

Do any encap experts have some experiences or knowledge to share about this type of case?

Joe Desmond

Re: Expensive head board

January 2 2008, 11:44 AM 

The answer is YES. When your encapping sometimes it will look a little better but after the polymer cures it will look great.
At first I thought some carpets it wouldn't work to well until the next day and WOW.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Expensive head board

January 3 2008, 8:34 AM 

I agree some carpets don't look alot better until they are dry. Don't know why, don't care why, I just like the fact that it works.

Current Topic - Expensive head board
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