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2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 2 2008 at 1:33 PM

i don't mind pulling old yella up one or two flights of steps, but we did a job last Saturday where i had to throw the lift-kit on the 'Mex and pull it up & down 5 flights of steps. they were metal and could be very slippery. and they had 20 steps per stair case.

i was shot by the end of the day. since we will be doing this account every 2-3 months, it is only a matter of time before i lose my balance and i land on the bottom of the steps with old yella on my head. gonna have to use the Challenger and MultiSprayer from now on i sloooowwww though compared to the Cimex.

anyone else have a job with lots of flights of steps?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 2 2008, 2:23 PM 

Top of the afternoon to ya DK.
Taking a break from doing some other things and was glsd to see ya!
I read this post and said wow! Dk. gets all the good jobs.

Money thats lost, we can get back. But TIME we can't get back!

You saved yourself 1 to 2 hours of time by getting your cardiovascular, stair-climbing, full body work-out, and you didn't even have to drive to the gym to get it. You got it by just providing for your household. GOOD JOB DK.!!

In workouts 10 coreect reps is better than 20 incorrect reps.So, keep using BIG yella just take your time and climb them stairs correctly so you do slip. Keep building those quads and your wind. As you build it'll get easier & easier.

You know even after 1000 years we can't have time back once its spent its gone forever. So what did you do with your two hours you saved DK.?

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 2 2008, 2:59 PM 

BAH, do you have to put a positive spin on everything Alex LOL.

my scrawny chicken legs were quivering like a new born colt. the extra 2 hours was spent icing them down to keep them from trembling. it really would be a matter of time before i took a spill on those steps. have to be practical and go with the Challenger next time. i can't afford any down time with a broken pelvis lol.

take care Bro --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 2 2008, 3:15 PM 

If the stairs are an unsafe challenge - why not bring a helper? It is really nice to have a helper on larger jobs anyway. I often take my 100 pound wife with me on larger jobs, and she doesn't have any trouble giving me a hand carrying the Cimex up a flight of stairs. (So even a 100 pound woman is all it takes to assist in carrying the Mex up a flight of stairs) Nancy takes the handle and goes up backward, and I get under the heavier end and lift the motor-head. Stairs are a piece of cake with two people! Plus she helps me getting water and moving stuff. And the best part is that she's great company and not bad to look at either

Rick Gelinas


Re: 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 2 2008, 3:58 PM 

Definitely get someone to help. I pay this guy $10hr to vacuum and lift the mex. That seems to be all he is good for. (sometimes not even the vac'n part) but having a hand lifting the beast will SAVE your body and is totally worth it. I tried for 6 mo. doin it my self, and almost SEVERLY hurt my self several times!


Not bad to look at either.

January 2 2008, 4:11 PM 

Yeah, I'll go along with that mate,

Re; "Plus she helps me getting water and moving stuff."

I have a small length of hot water hose, the type that is supplied with old washing machines.

It has a cone shaped piece on one end that slips different size taps (faucets).

When I get into this situation, I simply push the hose onto the faucet and turn it on.

No bucketing water from sink to Cimex.

Lot safer, no spills, no hurting of back muscles.

With the moving stuff, we have a system also.

Delia vacuums while I get "Big Yella" upstairs.

WE do a lot of condo's where there is not a lot of room in the bedrooms.

To overcome this, she will vacuum between the bed and wardrobe which has sliding doors.

Then, either she or I will stand the double bed on it's edge, with the headboard going into the wardrobe.

She then vacs; under where the bed was.

I come in with "Big Yella" and clean the carpet in reverse, then sit the bed back down and clean that area as well as inside the wardrobe.

Cleaning inside a wardrobe can be done by either leaving the wheels outside the 'robe and placing the head on the carpet to be cleaned, then moving the "Mex"; one area at a time.

Or, place the head of the "Mex"; inside the 'robe, then lift the wheels in, and run the machine along inside the 'robe.

This is one very versatile machine that I have managed to work in the most confined space with.

In the case of a walk-in-robe, I simply wheel in "Mex"; stand the handle upright, close the door and clean behind it, open the door and work my way back out again.

If there is a problem, think about it, & you will find a way to overcome it.

I hate steel & polished timber stairs, especially those with bullnose, but they can all be overcome.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

PS ::: This is so simple, it's stupid, but probably something that some don't even think to do.

Before starting up Big Yella, I lift the drive head off the floor, same as everyone else.

I have seen some struggle doing this.

Use the old lever/fulcrum system.

Place one foot on the axle or wheel to hold the machine in place, THEN push down on the handle to lift the head.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jan 2, 2008 4:16 PM
This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jan 2, 2008 4:11 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Not bad to look at either.

January 2 2008, 4:16 PM 

Is that a closet?

Or are you trying to get accounts in Narnia?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Dang, another word to remember

January 2 2008, 4:30 PM 

CLOSET, another flamin' word for wardrobe.

RICK, I hope you're taking all this down for your trip down under in 18 weeks time

What's a Narnia ??



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


You're right.....

January 2 2008, 4:32 PM 

Being practical by using OP is good idea. OR!
Rick's suggestion, "Use a helper" or two. I'm sure Jade & Indigo would love 80% of what the job pays. lol

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Del Scrivner

Re: You're right.....

January 2 2008, 7:49 PM 

NARNIA- A fictional land entered into by some children through an armoire/wardrobe closet.

Set in a series of 7 books, the first of which- The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, was made into a movie by Disney in 2005.  However it was a cartoon on TV (the "Tellie" for you there Shorty) in 1979.


Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: You're right.....

January 3 2008, 2:41 AM 

LOL Alex. actually the missus helps me on all commercial jobs. she's had her share of chiropractor visits so i try not and have her help me with the Cimex on steps...tho she did help me bring it down the trickiest flight.

thanx --- Derek.


Big Wheel Kit

January 3 2008, 8:56 AM 

1st make sure you have the 13" wheel kit on your Cimex. It is best to have a helper. If I am by myself on a job, I will buy someones lunch (like the janitor) to get it up the stairs. Comming down is easy. The wheel kit, cost me less than $35 to make including two 13" wheels from Harbor Freight.

David Morris

Re: 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 3 2008, 4:37 AM 

Stairs well that is hard work !!!!! Some months ago one of the forum members suggested using / fitting 2x 12dia" phunmatic wheels...........gess what!!!! it sure makes it very easy to go up / down stairs, plus it's easy to fit & remove when required.

cheers !!!

have a great 2008
West Aussie



Re: 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH

January 3 2008, 12:22 PM 

the lift kit does help for sure. i find going down is more treacherous than going can really get away from you easily going down.

there wasn't a lot of carpet on the 2nd floor areas....around 1500 sq.ft. but being that they are spread all throughout this warehouse facility, on 5 different 2nd floor areas, it was a bit much. that averages to 300 sq.ft. per area. the Cimex will eat up 300 sq.ft. without blinking, so i was literally going up and down all those steps every 20 - 30 minutes. THAT was what had me exhausted break time. and that was the dangerous part. so the Challenger will be put to use next visit.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - 2nd floor jobs with no elevators....ARGHHH
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