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Do you have a set sq.ft. price? Why or Why Not?

January 2 2008 at 1:37 PM

do you have a set price per sq.ft.for either commercial or resi?

if so, why?

if not, why?

and, who has tried both and finds one is better than the other?

we do not have a set price per sq.ft. because every job is different. and without a set price, price shoppers either have to wait for us to come out to their place, or move on.

how about you?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Do you have a set sq.ft. price? Why or Why Not?

January 2 2008, 4:03 PM 

When I started a couple years back i stuck to the SF price like glue. Inexperiance I guess, cause I would over charge my commercial accounts and undercharge resi ones. Turns out SF, for me any way, is just one way to look at the picture.
I found that in resi I spend alot more time manuevering around furniture, dealing with stubborn spots & stains, talking with the customer (most who are women that are bored as hell) and doing just traffic lane work. The SF of these homes was small but the work took hours. Now I have a good idea when a job will take me x amount of time. I some times charge more just cause the custy is talking my ear off and I know I will blow a half hour right there.

As for commercial, some situations, especially big ones, there areas that dont need to be done, and your competition knows that, so they price lower knowing that they wont even bother with the very sides of a hallway, etc.

Just my two nickles and a dime

steve r

Re: Do you have a set sq.ft. price? Why or Why Not?

January 2 2008, 5:39 PM 

small commercial jobs .20 (around or under 1000 sq.ft.) cents large jobs .10
this is just my starting points could go either way depending on other variables (stains,furniture,access,distance to job).

residential im pricing by the room but those prices vary also.
3 rooms and hall $99 600 sq.ft. max. all of the above and protector extra. this has been a huge difference for me since i started running ads with this price. i had been runing ads with out price and got nothing.
also easier to sell on phone for me.

Current Topic - Do you have a set sq.ft. price? Why or Why Not?
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