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soil removal/flushing/encap

January 2 2008 at 11:06 PM

I am just curious what your method of choice is or the equipment you use when you extract/flush encaped carpet. (when the soil load is heavy and is too much for encap to remove) I for the most part use OP with pads (cotton or glad pads), I also have a Ninja porty that I can use if HWE is needed. As I said I use OP with pads (pad capping) and I have just ordered a Cimex. I am curious what other Cimex owners use and the frequency or number of times you encap with a Cimex before removing soil load.


Re: soil removal/flushing/encap

January 3 2008, 5:49 AM 

I've only had my Cimex about 8 months and do a few resturants/coffee houses monthly and quarterly as of yet flushing not needed, when they do need it I will use my Recoil XPS. On the heavy soiled loads I prespray with Punch in HOTTT water then use Releasit DS in HOTTT water.



Re: soil removal/flushing/encap

January 3 2008, 6:01 AM 

I own two Cimexes. My oldest one is close to four years old. In those four years I can only recall a time or two that something other than the Cimex was needed. When we get to a bad carpet we usually just end up using a litle more juice and scrub it more.

However, one time we cleaned like we normally do with the Cimex and then went back with our Butler and extracted.


Re: soil removal/flushing/encap

January 3 2008, 8:55 AM 

Don"t be mislead if you encap on a regular basis the carpet will need to be extracted more often than most will admit. You probabily will not need any detergent, just extract, will be enough residue in carpet to accomplish a good extraction, and it does not matter whose encap juice you use. Yes the carpet may look ok and the customer may be happy, but if you, or worst yet one of your competitors did an extraction you would have some heavy explaining to do as to why so much crap was in the carpet. Clean for appearance or clean for health it is your choice.

This message has been edited by CLEANEX on Jan 3, 2008 3:08 PM


Re: soil removal/flushing/encap

January 3 2008, 11:27 AM 

My personal experience is, I have monthly traffic areas I do for a commercial customer. I have done these hallways 48 times over the 4 years I have had this account. I have never used "extraction" on these carpets. The manager just told me "Those carpets always look good." They have alot of use, but with a thourough vacuuming before I use the Cimex , I haven't had a problem.


Rick Gelinas

A fristhand experience

January 3 2008, 1:58 PM 

We cleaned Victoria's Secret stores for about 10 years. Prior to encap we used every method of cleaning known to man on these carpets. Needless to say, we had a lot of experience with these stores through a decade of cleaning.

Invariably the carpets would clean up great at first when they were new. Like any carpet, they would clean like a dream when they were brand new. But over the course of a few years, as the carpets aged, they would become harder and harder to maintain (using every method we ever tried prior to encap).

The Victoria's Secret stores get a lot of traffic and the bright pink carpet would become duller and dingier over time. And recurring spills were a constant nightmare too. Many of these stores were serviced monthly so we had a good opportunity to evaluate the cleaning and resoiling of the carpets.

We struggled with these carpets for a long time UNTIL WE TRIED ENCAP. The cool thing with encap is that even the carpets that were older, dull, dingy and loaded with spill stains - now started to clean up easier and easier with encap. The carpets stayed looking BRIGHTER over time than we ever experienced with HWE. After the first few cleanings with encap - all of the old tired carpets began to look like new carpets again. They became very easy to clean, and they stayed clean looking longer too!

We did not perform any HWE cleaning on these stores from that point forward - never, nada, zip. Back when we had used HWE, the stores deteriorated badly over the course of time. However even the older carpets (now being maintained regularly with Releasit & Cimex) stayed looking like new without any need for HWE.

I like to consider this experience because we got to see these stores on a regular basis. We saw how poorly they degraded with many various cleaning methods (including HWE). And we saw how superiorly they performed with encap alone. The bottom line is that if encap is performed well on a regular basis, the carpets can stay perfect looking with little or no need for HWE.

Rick Gelinas


Re: A fristhand experience

January 3 2008, 2:07 PM 

Using the proper encap chemical is the key.
Some people who have to HWE their encap accounts are not using Releasit.



Re: A fristhand experience

January 3 2008, 4:04 PM 

Bryan Re read my post I have edited it


Re: soil removal/flushing/encap

January 3 2008, 4:53 PM 

****ty vacuum cleaners and not vacuuming often enough can be your worst enemy too Bryan.


Kevin Pearson

Same as Rick

January 4 2008, 8:21 AM 

We had a similar experience as Rick did with an Italian restaurant. It now cleans quickly and looks better in between cleanings. Before we encap we had all sorts of problems with restaurants. Now after a few cleanings they start looking better longer.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Same as Rick

January 4 2008, 11:14 AM 

Similar experience as Rick with a Automobile Dealership.

Greg Loe

I am the Dirty carpet GOD!!!

February 6 2008, 1:04 AM 

"The cool thing with encap is that even the carpets that were older, dull, dingy and loaded with spill stains - now started to clean up easier and easier with encap. The carpets stayed looking BRIGHTER over time than we ever experienced with HWE. After the first few cleanings with encap - all of the old tired carpets began to look like new carpets again. They became very easy to clean, and they stayed clean looking longer too!"

I get the dirtiest(I mean dirt) carpets. A correctional facility that nobody has ever gotten clean. I did hwe 1st, then finished with a quick cimex with Release-it. It would always look better with each cleaning. They claim they have never vacuumed up so much dirt. With release-it, the dirt just doesn't stick to the carpet. Makes for better vacuuming.

I also clean the Sheriff's offices. Same methods and same results.

I also just picked up a health club that just wouldn't clean up for anyone. Flushed then cimex with release-it.

Release-it keeps working over time. Keeps breaking down dark oily spots from asphalt, over time their gone.

I've never needed to try any other encap product.

Release-it is also my upholstery cleaner.

Current Topic - soil removal/flushing/encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS